Family Homelessness: A view beyond stereotypes
For many the concept of homelessness is so far removed from their reality that it’s hard to comprehend. For the families who are part of the Housing Families State House photographic exhibit, it was their everyday reality. Housing Families Inc. of Malden provides safe, temporary shelter and quality affordable housing to homeless and at-risk families. According to the On Solid Ground Coalition, there are 4,800 families in Massachusetts that are living in motels and shelters each night. Another 4,200 families are living in doubled up and unstable situations. They’re behind on their rent or move multiple times per year. On Solid Ground is a cross-sector group of more than 30 partners committed to a research-based approach to increasing housing stability and economic mobility. All of the families participating in the Housing Families State House Exhibit “Family Homelessness: A View Beyond Stereotypes” have had the misfortune of struggling with housing instability. They have first-hand experience of being forced to sleep in bus stations, cars, abandoned houses and other unsafe places not meant for human habitation before being admitted […]