An arboretum hiding in plain sight: Malden’s Tree Warden cultivates splendor at Forest Dale cemetery
By Karen Buck It is not easy being an urban tree! Urban trees have to endure unnatural conditions: excessive heat, drought, storm water runoff from impervious surfaces, poorly conditioned soil, vehicular pollution, road salt, road construction, sidewalk installations, water and sewer lines work, pest and disease invasions, and public complaints. Many trees die on a daily basis in cities where mature tree canopy is most needed But Malden’s public trees have their own Lorax, the defender of forests: tree warden, Chris Rosa. According to the Massachusetts Tree Warden and Forestry Association, a tree warden is defined as “a person in charge of shade trees on public town lands [who has …] the unique legal responsibility to guard public resources against destructive forces that might include persons, insects, or diseases.” Rosa’s inspiration to create the arboretum piqued in April of 2023, while doing regular rounds of the Forest Dale cemetery. Rosa noted over 100 tree stumps just left to rot. Rosa pondered, “Where did these trees go? When were they cut down?”. He estimated the trees […]