You do not need to have read the book to attend.
On Tuesday, March 31 at 7 p.m., join fellow Maldonians for an evening of fresh American comfort food served in a warm and welcoming atmosphere located at 139 Pleasant St. in Malden.
Bryan and Nicole Palazzalo, one of two husband-wife teams featured in this year’s Malden Eats Community Dining series (the other is Jason and Shannon Ladd from Ferry Street Food & Drink), opened Mystic Station in Malden Square last April. Bryan runs the front of the restaurant while Nicole, known for her tasty Buffalo chicken grilled cheese sandwich, manages the kitchen.
Prepared especially for Malden Eats Community Dining series by Chef Palazzalo, the menu for the Tuesday, March 31 dinner includes three appetizer options (arancini of the day, spring spinach salad or clam chowder), three amazing entrees (salmon vera cruz, pasta Piacenza or steak tips) and two dessert options (banana coconut cream pie or tiramisu).
Community Dinner participants will be supplied with “Table Talk” cards to enhance and stimulate discussion at their tables while they are enjoying dinner. Topics are related to the themes of this year’s Malden Reads book selections.
Space is limited, so reservations with the restaurant are required. Call 781-480-3166 by Sunday, March 29 to make your reservation. Be sure to specify that you are with the Malden Reads dinner. Those unable to honor their reservations are asked to cancel so the next person on the list can attend. The meal will cost $20 not including tax, tip and beverage.
Lily steals the show at the end. Great segment!