GUEST POST: The Malden River finally gets “friended”
For more than a century, a ribbon of shallow water has connected the Mystic River to downtown Malden. That riparian finger, straightened by the demands of the heavy industry that once lined its shores – tanneries, rubber works, aircraft engine manufacturers, chemical plants, coal tar refiners – has long given rise to minor local humor. Asked for directions to the Malden River, a city resident is heard to reply: “I didn’t even know Malden had a river—where did it go?” But this sad comedy is itself becoming history, now that the Friends of the Malden River is under full sail. This volunteer organization, which turns three this fall, is helping to put the Malden River back onto the map both geographically and politically. The Friends came into being as a result of pent-up local interest in preserving, protecting and enjoying the two-mile long portion of the river that hasn’t been culverted. Propelled and steered by MyRWA, with help from a Tufts graduate-student Practicum in spring 2013, FoMR has become a full-fledged citizens advocacy group that’s developed […]