
ABCD offers fuel assistance program to Malden residents

The state and federal governments have asked Action for Boston Community Development (ABCD) to step in and provide critically needed services to thousands of low- and moderate-income families in the Mystic Valley area. ABCD will serve 10 cities and towns in thearea including Malden. John J. Drew, President/CEO, Action for Boston Community Development, says that through the agency’s Mystic Valley Area Opportunity Center, ABCD is working closely with residents and community groups to provide the services and opportunities that low- and moderate-income children, families, and seniors in Mystic Valley towns need to meet basic needs and move forward with their lives, especially with winter weather approaching. “Many people are struggling to make ends meet, and ABCD is mobilizing resources and providing basic services for the Mystic Valley area’s low-income residents,” he says. “We have been on the ground with Fuel Assistance, Housing Services & Homelessness Assistance and Head Start for almost a year now. We want to reach out and make sure people in need in this region know that ABCD is here to help […]


El Potro Mexican Bar and Grill gallops into Malden

Shopping local this holiday season? Check out Malden’s newest restaurant, El Potro Mexican Bar and Grill. Armed with several locations in the region including Somerville and Lowell, Malden’s El Potro is the largest venue of the three and is located at 156 Highland Ave. For the record, the restaurant’s name means “pony” in Spanish. “We want to become a part of the fabric of Malden,” El Potro’s owner Elias Interiano said in a City of Malden press release. “We look forward to getting to know the community and becoming a destination spot for families and friends.” Owners:  Elias and Joana Interiano Cuisine:  Authentic Mexican and Central American Opened:  September 15 in honor of Mexico’s Independence Day Music:  Mariachi from the band, Mariachi Estampa de America translated “Sounds of the Americas” Locations:  Malden, Somerville and Lowell Address:  156 Highland Ave., Malden Hours:  Sunday thru Wednesday 11 a.m – 10 p.m.; Thursday thru Saturday 11 a.m.- 11 p.m. Phone:  781-605-3120 Website:  elpotromexicangrill.com      


New drone shop HeliDirect takes off in Malden

Remote helicopters taking flight in Malden? Yep, the drone craze has landed at 730 Eastern Ave. According to the City of Malden’s website, the new electronics shop called HeliDirect opened earlier this year. “HeliDirect President and CEO Sam Minh Le is a premier e-retailer for hobby-class and remote control helicopter and multi-rotor products, parts and accessories,” reported the City of Malden. “The engineering team and advisors for the business are MIT alumni. Many management and staff members are remote control helicopter and multi-rotor pilots and maintain a commitment to providing the best products and support in the industry.” Owner:  Minh Le, Malden resident Opened:  Retail store on July 15, 2015.  Began online sales in 2005 with mini-helicopters and in 2012 added drones. Products:  Mini-helicopters and DJI brand drones Expertise:  Technical support, repair service, before-and-after sales services Services:  Offering moderate, non-warranty, in-house repair services, fast shipping Location:  730 Eastern Ave., Malden, MA Hours:  Monday thru Friday 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.; Saturday 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Phone:  877-439-4354 Website:  HeliDirect.com Below is a video segment […]


GUEST POST: The Malden River finally gets “friended”

For more than a century, a ribbon of shallow water has connected the Mystic River to downtown Malden.  That riparian finger, straightened by the demands of the heavy industry that once lined its shores – tanneries, rubber works, aircraft engine manufacturers, chemical plants, coal tar refiners – has long given rise to minor local humor. Asked for directions to the Malden River, a city resident is heard to reply: “I didn’t even know Malden had a river—where did it go?” But this sad comedy is itself becoming history, now that the Friends of the Malden River is under full sail.  This volunteer organization, which turns three this fall, is helping to put the Malden River back onto the map both geographically and politically. The Friends came into being as a result of pent-up local interest in preserving, protecting and enjoying the two-mile long portion of the river that hasn’t been culverted.  Propelled and steered by MyRWA, with help from a Tufts graduate-student Practicum in spring 2013, FoMR has become a full-fledged citizens advocacy group that’s developed […]


Special Olympic athletes strike gold at the lanes and in life

Every Sunday the Bowling Stones, a Malden-based Special Olympics team begin their morning bowling at Town Line Luxury Lanes.  They are part of Special Olympics Massachusetts, and are coached by certified Special Olympic mentors. The Special Olympics mission remains as vital today as it was when the movement was founded in 1968. Special Olympics strives to create a better world by fostering the acceptance and inclusion of all people. This group of athletes range in age from 16-63, some live at home and some in group homes.  What is apparent immediately is how close they are and how much this Sunday bowling event means to them. They’re happy when anyone gets  a strike, and no one gets upset if their ball goes into the gutter or misses the mark. The coaches, some of whom are parents, know that these athletes benefit from social activities.  One coach mentioned that these special Olympians don’t often get to socialize at the malls, nor do what many of their peers take for granted as everyday popular activities. Therefore the coaches ensure […]