Wanna light a lantern for the future of Malden Hospital?
Young Optimistic Daring Activists and Friends of Fellsmere Heights will honor the 100-year legacy of Malden Hospital with a lantern walk at Fellsmere Pond field, West Border Road and Savin Street in Malden this Saturday, June 4 at 6 p.m.
The event will also mark the start of a campaign by Medford and Malden community members to give new expression to the legacy through the use of a portion of the 18-acre site for a range of much-needed community services.
Activities will include lantern-making, face-painting and lighting sparklers. Featured speakers include representatives from Malden Hospital, Friends of Fellsmere Heights and Young Optimistic Daring Activists. For information and RSVP: 617-876-7442; rwdoolittle@gmail.com. Rain date is June 5.
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