MATV wins four regional video awards

Catch the local wrap-up of election news on MATV starting at 7:30 p.m. on Election Day (Tuesday, November 4). Tune in to MATV’s Government Access Channel (Comcast – 22, Verizon – 26) to hear political commentary from former City Councilor Greg Lucey, former Malden Observer editor Nathan Lamb and Malden Advocate reporter Juhi Varma with host MATV Executive Director Ron Cox. Election returns from the local polls will start coming in when the polls close at 8:00 p.m. The discussion will center on the local races for State Representative but will also touch on how the statewide races and ballot questions are felt locally. The major race of local interest is the State Representative race between candidates Steve Ultrino (Democrat) and John Matheson (Independent) for most of Malden’s voting precincts. Malden also has hometown candidate David D’Arcangelo running for Secretary of the Commonwealth. Candidates have been invited to drop by the station during the show, which will run until 9:00 p.m. If you’d like to watch the show live, come on down to MATV at […]
Story by Diti Kohli MATV, Malden’s Media Center, calls on community members to celebrate and encourage artistic expression in the city at the Arts and Culture Summit on March 9 2019. At the event, artists and supporters will gather to meet each other, hear guest presenters, and participate in a conversation about Malden’s arts and culture ecosystem. Anne D’Urso-Rose, associate director of MATV and one of the summit’s hosts, said the objective of the summit is to connect residents, artists, businesses, and officials with each other and MATV. Watertown City Councilor Vincent Piccirilli, who has served the city for 11 years, will deliver a featured presentation about the creation of The Dorothy and Charles Mosesian Center for the Arts in his city. Decades ago, the building operated as a military arsenal and then as a mall until 14 years ago when the Mosesian was founded. Now, the performance space includes a theatre, as well as multiple restaurants and shops. “I think we can be inspired and learn from the collaboration and contributions of different entities […]
By Saliha Bayrak As the nation rose to voice their indignation and call for an end to racial injustice following the murder of George Floyd, Urban Media Arts (UMA), joined thousands of organizations across the country and made a statement of solidarity to champion the Black Lives Matter movement. The staff at UMA (formerly MATV) did not want this statement to be a momentary and hollow expression of support without any actions to succeed it. In the months that followed, staff members began to have periodic meetings and discussions to address issues of race, injustice, and inclusivity, guided by the belief that every course of action begins with a conversation. Terlonzo Amos, the Director of Operations at UMA, believes there is an urgency to have these conversations now due to the recent blatantly unjust events that occurred throughout the nation. “These problems have always been in the Black and brown community…since 1619,” said Amos. “For those that may not have believed that these things were happening…a light was shown on it.” Amos often leads these […]
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