Malden News

Malden and Everett tackle the trail together

Two neighboring communities connected by the Northern Strand Trail joined forces to clear overgrown brush and overblown trash for their Earth Day efforts on April 23.

Over 100 people from  Malden and Everett gathered under stormy skies.  Tee shirts were handed out as people signed in. 

Spirits were high as progress was observed and tallied.  

Check out this video of the cleanup:  Everett Access TV video of the Everett cleanup

West_Wellington Raingarden1

The Friends of the Malden River revived a previously constructed rain garden at the Everett end of the Northern Strand Trail. Walk or ride to the Everett trail head of the Northern Strand Trail to learn about the benefits of rain gardens and to see the beauty of natural ways to keep our rivers clean. (Photo by Clay Larson of Groundwork Somerville and Bike to the Sea Organization).

Malden Mayor Gary Christenson picked up trash along the trail last year.

Actions speak loudly:  Every day is clean up day for Malden Mayor Gary Christenson, who routinely picks up litter in his travels through Malden.  (Mark Micheli Photo)

Everett Mayor Carlo DeMaria (left) and Malden Mayor Gary Christenson met recently to promote the trail cleanup day.

Mayor Carlo DeMaria of Everett stated, “I would like to thank everyone who participated this past Saturday in our Earth Day Clean-up of the City’s Bike Path. Even with the rain, we had well over one hundred volunteers working with city staff to clean up the trail. We restored the West and Wellington Rain Garden, prepared the ground for a new urban farm, picked up a huge amount of trash and debris, and cleared twenty feet of brush on both sides of the trail. You all made a huge difference and I want to thank all of you who took time out of your busy schedules to make Everett a great place to live, work, and play! Wynn Everett , Bike to the Sea Trail , Everett Community Growers , Friends of the Malden River, Mystic River Watershed Association , Everett Chamber of CommerceEverett KiwanisEverett Community Health & Wellness Center

About karenbuckmalden 17 Articles
Karen Buck is a resident of Malden, an environmental activist and a contributing reporter Neighborhood View. Currently, she is the President of the Friends of the Malden River and the environmental advocate for Malden River Works

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