
Op-Ed: Hip hop from a Malden resident’s perspective

Hip hop is the most influential culture to today’s youth globally. What is hip hop? Well, I’m glad you asked. Hip hop is the absence of rules. People study music theory, but hip hop is not theoretical. It is the practice of taking 1/100 of a sample, or a riff and completely distorting the original context, to create something that the original artist never intended or imagined. Hip hop can be a gentle ode to one’s mother or a direct threat to the powers that be around the globe in the speed of a tweet. It can be funny or ironic, or a witness to obscenely pornographic levels of uncut violence or unmitigated injustice. If it exists in the real world, it is fair game for hip hop. Hip hop is not the pop infused sounds that we hear blaring out of our speakers in the car that provoke youth to twerk. Any similarities to “hip-pop” are due to common cultural influences, “chicken or the egg” type conundrum. There will always be entertainers who mass […]


Can the Oak Grove Community Building be saved?

The Oak Grove Community Building [OGCB] stands tall with weeds surrounding the building and trash and a tire in the driveway. A cardboard sign is taped to the front door with the words, “NO MEETING HERE TONIGHT.” When you hear the word community, what comes to mind? How you answer that question speaks volumes about  what Malden means to you and in particular The Oak Grove Community Building. It’s doors are closed and is awaiting a decision from the Architectural Access Board (AAB) regarding its future. Many Malden residents have one question, can the Oak Grove Community Building be saved?  As a member of the Oak Grove Improvement Association I certainly hope so. Built in 1928, the Oak Grove Community Building has been available to Malden residents for close to 85 years. Residents and civic groups  have held meetings, performances and many special events at the historic site.  The Mayor and Ward Councillor have held Public Safety Awareness Meetings in the community building. Carol Melle, current President of the Oak Grove Improvement Association [OGIA] said that the association […]


Malden’s ILC Theater puts on a show

Malden’s Immigrant Learning Center Theater class recently hosted a performance event. The class is a unique learning experience for English for speakers of other languages in which conversational English is mixed with personal storytelling and sharing of participant’s experiences. This allows people to share their stories about coming to America, improves their English proficiency, and shines a light on the importance of immigrants to the community. The performance mixed humor and striking theatrical performance with moving personal experiences to make for an entertaining story and an intrigued audience. ILC has always been a safe and creative space to park dialogue about Immigration and its importance to our community while handling the voices of the people who have experienced it first-hand.


Will the Community Preservation Act (CPA) Benefit Malden?

Certain people say the Community Preservation Act is a wonderful mechanism to help cities and towns in Massachusetts to fund open space, historic preservation, community housing, and outdoor recreation projects. Others say it’s just a way for government to circumvent Proposition 2 ½. Let us take a deeper look at what the fuss is all about. According to the CPA Coalition the “CPA is a smart growth tool that helps communities preserve open space and historic sites, create affordable housing, and develop outdoor recreational facilities. CPA also helps strengthen the state and local economies by expanding housing opportunities and construction jobs for the Commonwealth’s workforce, and by supporting the tourism industry through preservation of the Commonwealth’s historic and natural resources.” The Act allows local communities to establish a Community Preservation Fund which gets generated through a local surcharge from 1 to 3% on property tax bills. At 1% this would average $15 to $44 increase per tax payer, annually. Estimated Yearly Cost to Average Malden Homeowner with a 1% CPA surcharge (based on FY2013 data, […]


Anatomy of a Chinese Garden – Yan and Maggie’s Malden garden

My journey into this Chinese garden began when I pushed the doorbell of the modern duplex home with the small “hut” in the front yard. Many times I have been intrigued as I have walked by structures that appear to be huts from another time, another place, completely covered in climbing vines with hanging fruit that I have never seen, in the front yards of modern day homes. Maggie is a very warm, generous woman. In an afternoon she introduced me to the family food garden. Later, I met her mother, Yan, who greeted me in the hot sun holding an umbrella with a beaming, open hearted smile. We communicated in smiles. Yan is the gardener and Maggie spends summers from college working together with her. They are from Canton, southeast China and have lived in Malden since 1998. Maggie showed me the backyard where every bit of land is used in this lush, beautiful garden that feeds more than 15 family members and friends. Six-foot tree branches hold up long rows of beans of […]


Multicultural Day at Malden High

In partnership with Stock Pot Malden, a new local company that promotes multicultural food entrepreneurs, the Malden High School Multicultural Club put on a beautiful display of diversity and community in their food and music festival this April. This third annual event was attended by Mayor Gary Christenson, Congresswoman Katherine Clark and State Senator-elect Jason Lewis. The guests, who came in impressive numbers, were able to enjoy performances by local artists and MHS students which included an African dance medley, a self-choreographed dance which mixed Asian and Western music, and traditional Mexican dancing in costume. This was followed by an elaborate buffet of foods from around the world prepared by local chefs in competition for various prizes. Stock Pot Malden recently opened its newly renovated commissary kitchen on Pearl Street. For more information visit Councillor Neil Kinnon, Emily Gouillart of Stockpot Malden and Mayor Gary Christenson. Photo from Click HERE to see a preview of Malden High’s Multicultural Day to be featured in full on MATV.


Corita Kent Exhibit in Memory of Joan Aliberti at the Malden Public Library

An exhibit of works by renowned artist Corita Kent is on display at the Malden Public Library in the Lower Gallery of the Converse Memorial Building. The works were donated in memory of longtime Malden resident Joan Aliberti after her death in 2002 by her mother Tina Aliberti. Corita Kent, also known as Sister Mary Corita, is the artist behind the brightly colored gas tanks in Dorchester that are seen along the Southeast Expressway. Known as the Rainbow Swash, the painting on the gas tanks comprise the largest piece of copyrighted artwork in the world. A similar design was used for the artist’s widely recognized 1985 Love stamp. Kent has an extensive body of work that incorporates abstract color, collage, and writing, expressing values of peace and social justice. Her works are included in collections at The Whitney, the Museum of Fine Arts Boston, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Joan Aliberti, a Malden educator, was a friend of the late artist and held a number of her works in her personal collection. The pieces […]


Mark Wahlberg mania at ‘Ted 2’ filming

“Ted 2,” the sequel to the widely successful Seth MacFarlane comedy about a talking teddy bear, filmed last week at the Malden Public Library. While details of the movie are kept secret, there was plenty of excitement on the street as crowds gathered, mostly trying to get a look at Mark Wahlberg or Amanda Seyfried. Here’s the word from the made-in-Malden film set: Ralph Balon, 21, commented on how “it’s crazy how Malden is becoming part of Hollywood now.” Nicole Blount, 22, “just hopes the movie is funny,” and she wants to see it. They both agree the first movie was funny. Nicole Oliver described the first film as “wicked funny” while Noelle Lafausi wishes Mila Kunis was in this one too because “she was really funny. I liked her.” However both Oliver and Lafusi agree that Mark is funny enough to hold his own. Kourtney Malone also enjoyed the first one and found out about the filming from her sister who is a big Mark Wahlberg fan. They’ve been to Wahburgers as well, though […]


Summer is no reason for children to go hungry

Do you know any kids living in low-income households that could benefit from a nutritious, healthy lunch? Project Bread is supporting the Summer Food Service Program in Malden to provide free summer lunches for kid in need while on school vacation. The Summer Food Service Program is federally funded via the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and administered by the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) an agency of the USDA. On a state level most often education agencies administer the program. The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education are managing our program and Malden High School has been appointed to prepare and oversee the operation for the city. The program serves low-income areas where half or more of the children are from households with income at or below 185 percent of the federal poverty guideline. The twelve Malden sites that are providing the Free Summer Lunch Program are: Malden High School 77 Salem Stree Lunch 11:30 – 12:30 Beebe School Park 401 Pleasant Street Lunch 12:00 – 1:00 Coytemore Lea Mt Ave MDC […]


FILM: ‘Ted 2’ crew films scenes in Malden

Lights, cameras … Malden? Hollywood East shot scenes for the locally shot flick “Ted 2.” Seth McFarlane, Mark Wahlberg and Amanda Seyfried were on set at the Malden Public Library on Monday, July 28. Judging from the traffic on Salem Street, it wasn’t just your average commute. A fleet of trucks, tents set up outside the library, a long white tube snaking into the building, and a yellow and black sign outside the high school that stated “Catering/Extras Holding” revealed that something out of the ordinary was going on. Police officials kept foot traffic moving along the Salem Street sidewalk. No standing onlookers allowed. To folks who have been paying attention, it’s no secret that a few scenes from the movie “Ted 2” are being shot in Malden. There’s been a few open casting calls in the Boston media, most notably one for folks with homemade superhero costumes. [Producer/director Seth McFarlane is in town to film scenes from the movie “Ted 2,” starring Mark Wahlberg, Amanda Seyfried, and the voice of Seth McFarlane, in the […]