
FILM: ‘Ted 2’ crew films scenes in Malden

Lights, cameras … Malden? Hollywood East shot scenes for the locally shot flick “Ted 2.” Seth McFarlane, Mark Wahlberg and Amanda Seyfried were on set at the Malden Public Library on Monday, July 28. Judging from the traffic on Salem Street, it wasn’t just your average commute. A fleet of trucks, tents set up outside the library, a long white tube snaking into the building, and a yellow and black sign outside the high school that stated “Catering/Extras Holding” revealed that something out of the ordinary was going on. Police officials kept foot traffic moving along the Salem Street sidewalk. No standing onlookers allowed. To folks who have been paying attention, it’s no secret that a few scenes from the movie “Ted 2” are being shot in Malden. There’s been a few open casting calls in the Boston media, most notably one for folks with homemade superhero costumes. [Producer/director Seth McFarlane is in town to film scenes from the movie “Ted 2,” starring Mark Wahlberg, Amanda Seyfried, and the voice of Seth McFarlane, in the […]

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MUSIC: Tuesday night summer concert series

On Tuesday, July 8, the Mayor’s Summer Concert Series began with a rousing performance from Keep It Real Band, a local rock & roll band that has been active in the Boston area for over 20 years. Many residents of Malden enjoyed the great music and fine weather on the City Hall Plaza as the band played an exciting set of covers ranging from classics to today’s hits. The following week, rain forced the concerts inside to the senior center, where The Reminisants took the stage (click here for a clip). Despite the change in venue, the concert went on, and nothing could prevent the band from delivering their engaging set of oldies covers with the energy and emotion that the crowd loved. The Tuesday, July 22 concert featured Edgar and Friends Rock and Roll, who brought a set of danceable hits from the 50s and 60s to the City Hall Plaza. Sponsored by Wynn Resorts, the Summer Concert Series runs Tuesday nights from 6-8 p.m. at City Hall on the Plaza. –Len Tetta The […]


MUSIC: Malden’s ‘Live on the Lawn’ music series

The Malden Public Library kicked off  the “Live on the Lawn” summer concert series on Wednesday, July 9. The first band to perform was Five O’clock Shadow, an a cappella group from Boston. The group has been singing together since 1991. Five O’clock shadow performed several great hits and were a joy to watch. They were also a humorous group and liked to joke around. Five O’clock shadow debuted a new song for the people of Malden (see clip here). Even though they were only there for an hour, it was an amazing time. The acoustic vintage jazz and blues trio, Outrageous Fortune, are coming to town to perform on July 23. The group performs jazz, blues and jug band music. On August 6 and the 20 there will be more live performances on the Malden Public Library lawn … so stay tuned. –Dimitry Legagneur


‘Here Come the Brides’ exhibit at the MPL

Running of the brides? What’s old is new again at the historical “Here Come the Brides” exhibit at the Malden Public Library’s lower art gallery in the Converse Memorial Building. Curated by John Tramondozzi, the collection showcases wedding dresses dating back to Catherine Mahoney Walsh’s dress from 1883 to Nancy Mover Cohn’s gown from 1983. There is also a parade of photos and other memorabilia offering an intimate peek into the lives of the brides from Malden’s past. Exhibit runs Tuesdays 6-8 p.m., Wednesday 2-4 p.m. and Thursdays 10 a.m.-1 p.m. and 2-5 p.m. through July 3.


Maple syrup made in Malden? Sweet.

MATV’s Anne D’Urso-Rose reflects on the making of maple syrup at her home in Malden. The sight of metal buckets on snow-outlined trees is the familiar image of maple syruping in Canada, and rural Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. Plastic Poland Spring bottles on a tree in urban Malden—not so much. But at my house at 90 Bowers Ave., you’ll see them every few years. My husband, Steve Rose, lovingly pursues the craft in intervals long enough to forget just how much work it is to make even a small amount of maple syrup. The process is simpler than one might think. All you really need is a maple tree and a place to boil the sap. Since the process takes so long, it’s pretty impractical to do all the boiling inside, so an outdoor fire pit really helps. Of course, you need enough fuel to keep the fire going—for days. Yes, it takes days. Fuel, in the form of pine tree branches and logs, we had in spades this year. Which is why Steve […]


MATV unveils Neighborhood View citizen journalism program

Malden Access TV (MATV) launched its new citizen journalism program called Neighborhood View to a group of 20 prospective students and three instructors on Monday, March 31. The result? “This is why I love MATV,” says Ron Cox, MATV’s executive director. “Where else would you experience people from all walks of life gather in one room?” Attendees discussed potential story ideas and possible beats, including a photo essay of Malden’s gardens, a series of pieces spotlighting perseverance in the community and using the Neighborhood View journalism platform to raise awareness in wards often overlooked by the mainstream media. The program’s instructors, Nakia Hill, Kara Lawton and Sam Baltrusis, were introduced at the round-robin discussion. The team talked about reaching out to Malden’s younger population and using citizen journalism as a tool to bridge the gap with Malden’s ESL community. Interested in becoming a Neighborhood View correspondent? Click here. Also, we’re teaching our first class, Journalism 101, on Tuesdays starting April 8 at 6:30 p.m. The Neighborhood View program is supported, in part, by a grant […]


Meet Neighborhood View’s citizen journalism coordinator

We’re happy to announce the launch of MATV’s citizen journalism program. Our Neighborhood View project, armed with three seasoned journalism mentors including coordinator Sam Baltrusis (pictured), trains and supports local citizen journalists to cover subjects and issues in their own neighborhoods. Being a journalist today means doing it all. Reporters shoot video. Photographers report. There will be a meet and greet kick off on Monday, March 31 at MATV starting at 6:30 p.m. until 8 p.m. to sign up new citizen journalists and to help get the team started. After signing up here, learn the basics of journalism and what it means to be a reporter in today’s multimedia world in our three-class Journalism 101 workshop starting Tuesday, April 8 from 6:30-8:30 p.m.


Neighborhood View unveiled

It was a festive night at the Malden Reads opening at the Malden Public Library’s Converse Building on Thursday, February 20. MATV announced the launch of Neighborhood View, a new citizen journalism program. Yep, it’s Malden from your point of view. There will be a meet and greet kick off on Monday, March 31 at MATV starting at 6:30 p.m. until 8 p.m. to sign up new citizen journalists.


Breathtaking art at ‘Malden Reads’ event

Malden Public Library’s Converse Building served as a stunning backdrop to the “Malden Reads” kick-off celebration on Thursday, February 20. Did you know that the awe-inspiring art collection was financed by shoe tycoon Elisha Slade Converse and his wife? Not only did Converse pay for the ornate building, he left $50,000 after his death in 1904.


‘Malden Eats’ heads to Tornado

The “Malden Eats” dinner celebration heads to Tornado Restaurant & Lounge (2 Florence St.), a fairly new Malden restaurant serving “Asian-inspired tapas,” on Tuesday, April 8 at 7 p.m. Tickets are $20. Call 781-388-3988 and reference the “Malden Reads” event. Two of the co-owners, Shanie Leung and Jenny Le, met at Malden High more than a decade ago. The duo saved their pennies from after-school jobs to open up their dream restaurant. And, yes, the name was inspired by Malden High’s “Golden Tornadoes” mascot. Sounds like a perfect storm.