
MATV Gallery’s Zhang unveils sketch of Malden’s mayor

The MATV Gallery is exhibiting the work of Ming Huang Zhang, a participating artist in this year’s Window Arts Malden through January 2015. Zhang hails from China and immigrated to the United States in 2011. Zhang recently sketched Malden’s mayor Gary Christenson. The finished sketch will be on view at the artist’s gallery reception from 6-8 p.m. on Wednesday, December 10. Click here for Neighborhood View’s profile on Zhang and his breathtaking work.


Parade of Holiday Traditions returns to Malden

On Saturday, November 29 starting at 2 p.m. at the Salemwood School, families and children will be attending Malden’s annual Parade of Holiday Traditions carrying and wearing their creations as part of local artist Greg Cook’s Enchanted Forest. The parade will line up along Waite Street Extension and will travel up Maplewood Street then turn left onto Salem Street and will end at the reviewing stand at Malden High School. Santa Claus will be making a special visit and Malden’s City Hall Plaza will boast festive holiday music and the official lighting of the Christmas tree at 4 p.m. On Saturday November 22, Malden artists Kari Percival and Greg Cook hosted a Kids Craft Workshop at the Malden Public Library. Participants created signs and masks on the themes of “Winter Wildlife” and “Peace on Earth.” Percival mentioned they got their inspiration from the Fells ecosystem and the variety of wildlife around Malden during the winter months. The library event was well attended. Parents and kids representing many cultures and ages filled up rows of tables and worked side by […]


Red-tailed hawk sighting in Malden

Elena Martinez, a Malden-based graphic designer, snapped a photo of this bird of prey last week. The red-tailed hawk was spotted in the bushes in front of the First Baptist Church (located at Salem and Main streets) with what appeared to be a light-furred fallen prey on the grass. –photo by Elena Martinez


Haunted Malden: Ghost hunter’s guide to local haunts

Historical haunts in Malden? It’s a no-brainer. As Halloween creeps around the corner, Neighborhood View coordinator and “Ghosts of Boston: Haunts of the Hub” author Sam Baltrusis left no gravestone unturned in search of Malden’s most haunted. The city boasts a bone-chilling assortment of ghostly hot spots rumored to be stomping grounds for spirits … and not one of those El Diablo concoctions at Ferry Street Food & Drink. Speaking of the new restaurant formerly occupied by watering holes like Jimmy O’Keefe’s, the Shamrock Inn and No 9 Ale House, Ferry Street Food & Drink (118 Ferry St.) made headlines last summer about a resident ghost rumored to still claim his bar stool in the afterlife. According to lore, the left-behind ghost looked like John Candy’s “Uncle Buck” character. The spirit supposedly slipped and died in the basement when the space was Jimmy O’Keefe’s. Shannon Ladd, Ferry Street’s co-owner, claims she recently had a close encounter with the Uncle Buck ghost. “Your timing is impeccable because (not) until last night, we have had that hair […]


Window Arts Malden showcases local artists

Want a good reason to walk around downtown Malden? Window Arts Malden, the flagship project of Malden Arts, is celebrating its ninth season showcasing more than 20 local artists working with different mediums including photography, jewelry, printmaking and painting. The storefront exhibition continues through Sunday, Oct. 12. “For artists, it’s a lot of fun,” says Elizabeth Scorsello, a local creatve displaying her work at Two Paisan’s Pizzeria. “It’s a great way to get your work out there and share it with your neighbors and fellow artists.”


Malden High School principal gets new job

Dana Brown, the principal at Malden High School, recently got a new position. Brown is now President of the Massachusetts Secondary School Administration Association (MSSAA). The MSSAA is an association representing middle and high school assistant principals and principals across Massachusetts. In his new role, Brown will be helping set the agenda for the school year and also represent the MSSAA in group meetings and conventions. He will still be the principal at Malden High School while being part of the Massachusetts Secondary School Administration Association. The MSSAA advocates for faculty and students at the state level. The MSSAA will often meet with the Commissioner of Education and sometimes the Secretary of Education for Massachusetts. The focus this year for the group will be social and emotional health of the students specifically covering mental health. Brown waited his turn through the cabinet structure that was in place. The structure was third vice president followed by second vice president after president elect then finally president. Dana Brown worked his way up the ladder to become the […]


Welcome to Malden’s Faulkner neighborhood

A lot is happening around Malden. There’s renovation of Malden Square, new restaurants and the Malden Teen Enrichment Center. Some areas are better known than others. As a resident of Faulkner for the past 15 years, I will bring some highlights of the neighborhood I call home. What area is actually the Faulkner neighborhood? Here’s Wikipedia’s geographical definition: “The Faulkner neighborhood is generally bounded by Ferry Street on the west, the City of Everett on the South, at Dell Street on the east and Salem Street on the north. A few of the streets north of Salem Street around Pierce St are sometimes considered part of Faulkner. My “coverage” will be around Salem Street from the Salemwood school area to Franklin Street. A lot had been done in the past 15 years in the area. A dilapidated, abandoned railroad had become a beautiful, well-maintained bike path. Community gardening is happening. A new building of the Mystic Valley Charter School and field had replaced a former Chevrolet car dealer and its garage. Nice white bike crossing […]


Op-Ed: Hip hop from a Malden resident’s perspective

Hip hop is the most influential culture to today’s youth globally. What is hip hop? Well, I’m glad you asked. Hip hop is the absence of rules. People study music theory, but hip hop is not theoretical. It is the practice of taking 1/100 of a sample, or a riff and completely distorting the original context, to create something that the original artist never intended or imagined. Hip hop can be a gentle ode to one’s mother or a direct threat to the powers that be around the globe in the speed of a tweet. It can be funny or ironic, or a witness to obscenely pornographic levels of uncut violence or unmitigated injustice. If it exists in the real world, it is fair game for hip hop. Hip hop is not the pop infused sounds that we hear blaring out of our speakers in the car that provoke youth to twerk. Any similarities to “hip-pop” are due to common cultural influences, “chicken or the egg” type conundrum. There will always be entertainers who mass […]


Mark Wahlberg mania at ‘Ted 2’ filming

“Ted 2,” the sequel to the widely successful Seth MacFarlane comedy about a talking teddy bear, filmed last week at the Malden Public Library. While details of the movie are kept secret, there was plenty of excitement on the street as crowds gathered, mostly trying to get a look at Mark Wahlberg or Amanda Seyfried. Here’s the word from the made-in-Malden film set: Ralph Balon, 21, commented on how “it’s crazy how Malden is becoming part of Hollywood now.” Nicole Blount, 22, “just hopes the movie is funny,” and she wants to see it. They both agree the first movie was funny. Nicole Oliver described the first film as “wicked funny” while Noelle Lafausi wishes Mila Kunis was in this one too because “she was really funny. I liked her.” However both Oliver and Lafusi agree that Mark is funny enough to hold his own. Kourtney Malone also enjoyed the first one and found out about the filming from her sister who is a big Mark Wahlberg fan. They’ve been to Wahburgers as well, though […]