
Scenes from a holiday bazaar

The holidays may be long over but I’m left with a memory of a special event in my neighborhood, a pop-up (private) party featuring crafts from local artists in the basement of a home transformed into a Moroccan-style bazaar. On behalf of the seven artists that banded together to create this special event, I wanted to share photos and some video highlights that have not yet been shown to the public. Local artist and community activist Elena Martinez says it all started with a “WHAT IF moment.” She and local artist Bonnie Blanchard were discussing the lack of space where artists could collectively work together. As the holiday time approached, they were looking for venues to sell their work. They decided to hold a “pop-up” event in the basement of Bonnie’s home and invite guests to attend. It would be a small neighborhood event that would offer holiday arts and crafts for a two-day stint just before the holiday shopping frenzy began. It would also be a showcase for a handful of locally renowned artists […]


“Inside Malden” with Ose Schwab profiles Sifu Mai Du

Mai Du, Founder and Sifu of the Wah Lum Kung Fu and Tai Chi Academy in Malden, jokes that her American dream started out as a nightmare at Logan Airport. Only eight, exhausted from a long trip from Vietnam via the Philippines, she arrived with her family in the United States on Halloween night. Despite this spooky start, Du has established herself in the United States not only as a Vietnamese-Chinese-American but a nationally recognized youth organizer and activist, one of the few female certified Wah Lum Kung Fu instructors in the Greater Boston Area, Founder and Sifu of a thriving award-winning Kung Fu and Tai Chi academy in Malden, owner/teacher of a math and reading school, and founder of numerous local and national advocacy groups and coalitions. Learning and education, or as Mai puts it “sharing,” is a constant theme in all she does. Passionate about youth and education, she is what she calls others to be, “relentless in the work of instilling hope and inspiration in our younger generations so that they have […]


Anthony Savino featured on “Release the Sounds”

Providence-based artist Anthony Savino has been playing the guitar for about 14 years, and in that time he has developed a swift, craftsman-like fingerpicking style.  He has devoted much of the past decade to making and releasing original work, though his showcase with RTS features almost exclusively as-yet unreleased material, including a song which he wrote as part of the score for Spanish short film based on Jack London’s The Call of the Wild. His approach ranges from lively, gentle and bright as in Red Bird, to pastoral folk pacings that make me somehow homesick as in What You Read. New releases are in the works and soon to be added to his already extensive collection of albums and EP’s, available for listen, streaming and download HERE. Visit the Youtube channel for Release the Sounds HERE for more behind-the-scenes clips. Release the Sounds, airing on MATV (Comcast 3, Verizon 28) every Wednesday at 10 p.m. and Saturdays at 8 p.m., spotlights regional musicians every month.


It’s not about ping pong: Restorative practices come to Malden

Sometimes the best way to tackle a problem is to come at it in a whole new way.  The city is taking a unique approach to conflict at the Malden Senior Community Center by employing “restorative practices,” an outgrowth of restorative justice, using talking circles and trained facilitators to get at the root of an issue and repair relationships. Tensions at the Senior Center came to a head at a meeting on November 10 around the issue of the movement of a ping pong table from the more public and open space in the auditorium to a smaller room on the second level. Ping pong is a passionate pastime in the Chinese community and the Chinese players were upset about the move. But the heated debate and expression of emotion on both sides of the issue revealed tensions and conflicts that went deeper than the topic at hand. Karen Colon Hayes, community outreach coordinator at the mayor’s office had the idea to call upon Candace Julyan, a restorative justice practitioner who has been running a […]


MLK Luncheon will honor MATV’s Terlonzo Amos and other luminaries

MATV’s Director of Operation Terlonzo Amos will be one of the six honorees at the 23rd Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Luncheon sponsored by the North Shore Black Women’s Association (NSBWA). The event will be held on Saturday, January 16 from 11 a.m.  to 2 p.m. at Anthony’s of Malden. The other five honorees are Marcus Darbouze, journalist;  Arthur Kahn, gemologist; Keith Knight, Jr., cartoonist; Maria Luise, Assistant to Mayor Gary Christensen and Dorothy Martin Long, community activist. The much beloved annual event is a homage to the slain civil rights leader and a fundraiser for the NSBWA, with all proceeds supporting college scholarships for local high school seniors. Terlonzo Amos, a longtime Malden resident and graduate of Malden High School, is currently the Director of Operations at MATV, Malden’s Media Center, an organization whose mission is “Building Community Through Media.” But Terlonzo’s involvement with giving back to his community started long before his tenure with MATV. Terlonzo has been coaching with the Malden Neighborhood Basketball League (MNBL) since he was 19 years old. He has been part […]


Artist Marketplace at Luva Spa

The handiwork of a talented group of Malden artists is on display at the Holiday Marketplace at Luva Spa and Gallery, 379 Main Street.  Today (Thursday, December 18) was the first day of the two-day pop-up.  The marketplace will be open from 9am – 5pm on Saturday, December 19. For sale are beautiful handmade scarves, hair and hat pieces, tree ornaments, jewelry, cards, photographs, food items and more. Allison de Faria, the Events Coordinator for Luva Hair and Day Spa, extended the invitation to the Malden artists. Luva is a local business that has supported the arts in Malden since it opened in 2011. Along with their full day spa offerings, they feature rotating exhibits from local artists in their extensive gallery space. The artists whose work is featured in the marketplace are Bonnie Blanchard, Elizabeth Scorsello, Ginny Remedi, Ose Manheim, and Elena Martinez.   Elena Martinez comments, “We are very grateful and excited to have this pop-up marketplace. We want Malden to know that there are artisans in the community and we are actively looking […]

About Us

Record a holiday greeting at MATV

Revel in the holiday magic of the season and dust off that old Santa hat. Reserve your spot to record a greeting in MATV’s annual “Holiday Greetings from the Community.” The greetings will play on MATV throughout the holiday season. You can also request an electronic link to your individual greeting that can be shared on social media. Plan to come on down to the MATV studios to sing a song, do a dance, perform a skit, or just spread a few words of holiday cheer. Individuals, organizations, community groups and local businesses are all welcome. Greetings recorded in the MATV studio are free to all Malden community members. If you’d like a greeting recorded off site (in Malden), there is a $10 fee. There is also a $10 fee to provide an electronic link to your individual greeting or a DVD copy. 2014 Holiday Greetings


El Potro Mexican Bar and Grill gallops into Malden

Shopping local this holiday season? Check out Malden’s newest restaurant, El Potro Mexican Bar and Grill. Armed with several locations in the region including Somerville and Lowell, Malden’s El Potro is the largest venue of the three and is located at 156 Highland Ave. For the record, the restaurant’s name means “pony” in Spanish. “We want to become a part of the fabric of Malden,” El Potro’s owner Elias Interiano said in a City of Malden press release. “We look forward to getting to know the community and becoming a destination spot for families and friends.” Owners:  Elias and Joana Interiano Cuisine:  Authentic Mexican and Central American Opened:  September 15 in honor of Mexico’s Independence Day Music:  Mariachi from the band, Mariachi Estampa de America translated “Sounds of the Americas” Locations:  Malden, Somerville and Lowell Address:  156 Highland Ave., Malden Hours:  Sunday thru Wednesday 11 a.m – 10 p.m.; Thursday thru Saturday 11 a.m.- 11 p.m. Phone:  781-605-3120 Website:      


New drone shop HeliDirect takes off in Malden

Remote helicopters taking flight in Malden? Yep, the drone craze has landed at 730 Eastern Ave. According to the City of Malden’s website, the new electronics shop called HeliDirect opened earlier this year. “HeliDirect President and CEO Sam Minh Le is a premier e-retailer for hobby-class and remote control helicopter and multi-rotor products, parts and accessories,” reported the City of Malden. “The engineering team and advisors for the business are MIT alumni. Many management and staff members are remote control helicopter and multi-rotor pilots and maintain a commitment to providing the best products and support in the industry.” Owner:  Minh Le, Malden resident Opened:  Retail store on July 15, 2015.  Began online sales in 2005 with mini-helicopters and in 2012 added drones. Products:  Mini-helicopters and DJI brand drones Expertise:  Technical support, repair service, before-and-after sales services Services:  Offering moderate, non-warranty, in-house repair services, fast shipping Location:  730 Eastern Ave., Malden, MA Hours:  Monday thru Friday 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.; Saturday 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Phone:  877-439-4354 Website: Below is a video segment […]


GUEST POST: The Malden River finally gets “friended”

For more than a century, a ribbon of shallow water has connected the Mystic River to downtown Malden.  That riparian finger, straightened by the demands of the heavy industry that once lined its shores – tanneries, rubber works, aircraft engine manufacturers, chemical plants, coal tar refiners – has long given rise to minor local humor. Asked for directions to the Malden River, a city resident is heard to reply: “I didn’t even know Malden had a river—where did it go?” But this sad comedy is itself becoming history, now that the Friends of the Malden River is under full sail.  This volunteer organization, which turns three this fall, is helping to put the Malden River back onto the map both geographically and politically. The Friends came into being as a result of pent-up local interest in preserving, protecting and enjoying the two-mile long portion of the river that hasn’t been culverted.  Propelled and steered by MyRWA, with help from a Tufts graduate-student Practicum in spring 2013, FoMR has become a full-fledged citizens advocacy group that’s developed […]