Suffolk Square was a Jewish enclave in Malden, the heart of which was in the vicinity of Cross and Bryant streets and the old Lincoln Junior High School. When Elaine Lubin’s grandparents wanted to buy land in Malden, the large, established banks in Malden Square weren’t where they went for a mortgage.

The Jewish bank in Suffolk Square, Progressive Workmen’s Credit Union, saw the potential in this hard-working Polish Catholic couple who had immigrated to Massachusetts from Vilna in what is now Lithuania. They approved of their plan for a small dairy farm in the area of Bowdoin Street and Bent Avenue and gave them a mortgage for the property that they then purchased from Mrs. Bent.
When Elaine’s parents needed a car loan for their new blue Plymouth, they also went to Mr. Eiseman at the credit union who hand wrote their weekly payments in a passbook. And Lubin has the distinction of receiving the bank’s first ever student loan. The Lubins did all their banking with the Jewish bankers on Saturday night when they reopened after sundown on the Sabbath and began their work week.

So when Lubin first went away to college in the years before ATM machines and was going out on Saturday evening, she saw nothing strange about her plan to stop at the bank and withdraw money on her way out with her friends. Her friends were astonished. “Where are you going to find a bank open on Saturday night?”

Lubin laughed when normal banking customs were explained to her. She had thought all banker’s hours were like the ones she knew growing up in Suffolk Square.
She shared more happy memories of the Shan-lor Drugstore on Cross Street, the 5&10, movie theatre, fish market, butcher, bakery and all the delicious delis. She even found a baby card in her mother’s keepsakes, mailed to Melrose Wakefield hospital from Berman’s Dry Goods. Elaine said that store was packed to the rafters with clothing and fabrics. The proprietor had a stick with a hook to get dresses down from the ceiling.
Great story, Saron. I love reading about real life history. Pat
Thanks,Pat.I overheard part of this story at a party and learned a bit of local history that I knew little about.
Just found this site and wish to comment. Grew up at 245 Harvard street and in November of 2019 sold the house ( my mother’s residence) she is still living and is 98 and reasonably well. Have so notes to add particularly since we were one of the few black families that lived in the Suffolk Square community.
This is Bart Brass (Barty) born in 1943 and grew up in Malden at 76 Upham St. and then upscaled to Corey Rd in the West End. 9 years at Lincoln and then 3 years at MHS ’61.
Remember the JWV next door to me, Malitsky’s bakery next to it on Franklin St. Than bottom of Grape St. Shan Lor’s where Sonny Finn would make ‘zombie’s’ (a squirt of all the flavors) at the fountain. Sundae’s OMB sundae’s. And he started me on the paperbacks which had a beacon on the top left corner, sexual situational fiction for a 14 year old.
Next door were the stairs to the pool hall on the second floor. No idea never went up those stairs but there was evil up there, smoking, drinking gambling (all the good/bad) stuff’
Then next door the Cake Box, with the black and white cookies , and those sort of rectangular things that had brown coating over a light cake color with white shavings on top. My Dad would come home ever Sunday morning with bagels, cream cheese and fish wrapped in paper with a string. Try and explain to someone today that if you asked, even at a Jewish bakery, for a bagel on Wednesdays they would have thought you were crazy, we only make bagels on Sunday. And next door Sunny Rose market and next door Goldberg’s fruit/vet.
Remember going into Glick’s with the fresh killed chicken’s hanging from the hooks and the saw dust on the floor.
I tell people all the time I that Suffolk Square every store was owned by a Jew, except for the Chinese laundryman, and I’m not sure about him. Can remember that store so vividly. It was just down Cross St from Lincoln Jr High. You would walk up three wooden steps into this big open room with him ironing shirts on one side and all the shirts, packed in brown paper and string on the other. But mostly the three steps in the back of the room that lead up to the family area, a bed, a frig and the privacy provide by a drawn curtains, his family lived in the store.
There was a grocery story on Bryant on the other side kitty corner to Shan Lor’s where the grocery man had this long stick with two metal handles on the top and that was how it would take cans down from the higher shelves.
Also a man’s clothing store (“Berman’s) where my Mom bought all my clothes when I was young. Older we’d make tripes to Kennedy’s in downtown Boston to buy new cloths for the Holidays. Do you remember haven’t to wear those wool suits when it was in the 80’s in shul and out thought you were about to melt
Sher’s deli across the street, the smell of the pickles and corn beef it still with me. Azoff’s bakery further down Faulkner st on the right, and the smell of their bubke.
Bendell’s kosher market corner of Cross and Bryant? There was furrier next door and then across the stree to the 5 and 10 store, all the hours spent there and the glass displays tables.
Then the Capitol Theater and bowling alley down stairs. And across the street “Yossel” the barber.
I think that’s it of my Suffolk Square memories, please, excuse the length, my 80th is this Wednesday and I am writing this as a memory for my kids, As I taking my younger son, the Israeli one (talk about naches) on as much of a tour as I can of My Malden.
Hi! Thanks for bringing back many memories, Barty! I lived on Lyme St. about 1948-1960. The fur shop you mentioned may have been owned by my great-uncle, named King. I think the drugstore where Sonny Finn worked was Finn’s on Bryant and Grape Sts. After school at Lincoln, I’d go over to that drugstore and buy Joyva Raspberry Joys, which I still love. Sonny’s dad, Manuel, was my mother’s uncle. Shan-lor I think was on Cross St. a block away. I could be mistaken. My step-uncle Morris Weiner may have had the grocery store you mentioned. I once won a puppy at the Capitol Theater from matching my ticket stub. Kind of weird prize as I think about it now but we loved him. My Dad hated popcorn and we never had it in the house. For years I thought it was available only at the movies (Buttercup). I remember Arnold the barber – Home Pride delivered bread and bakery, and the Howard Johnson ice cream truck that dared to charge 13 cents for a chocolate covered. Down the end of Lyme Street at Harvard St. c. 1958-59 there was a small grocery store. My cousin Howard (who lived with us for a while with his wife and son) would ask me to walk down there and get him a large sub (60 cents I think). My reward was a small sub (35 cents). Up from the square on Cross St. and Tufts St. my grandparents owned Harold’s Variety (named after my Dad). Ah, black and whites were called half-moons (thick, moist frosting, not the glazed dry topping we often see these days) and the bars with cocanut on them we called icicles. Thanks – Barry Velleman
Barton, I lived downstairs and remember when you were born. As I recall your father was away in the war. After he came home, we moved so that your family could live downstairs.
Leonard Freedman
hi Barton, I remember you when I was a very little girl you were friends with my big sister Charlene Gorsun. So nice to hear your recollections of Suffolk Sq.
Great story Sharon! Having lived in Malden all my life, I never knew any of this!
Fantastic story Sharon. Thank you so much. Tradition and history speaks volumes!
Sharon, I love the pictorial along with history.
Wow! I’d forgotten. There was also Abe Tabachnick’s grocery store.
Wow! I’d forgotten. There was also Abe Tabachnick’s grocery store.
Malden was at least 20% Jewish population back in the day. However, I’m concerned with the picture at the top of this with a Cross hanging on the wall. Makes me wonder about the validity.
Hi Lauren. I was hoping someone would notice the cross. The Jewish bankers gave a loan to the Polish Catholic family in the story when traditional banks would not. It is a true story of the Lubin family and Malden’s Suffolk Square.
It says in the article that the people pictured were a polish catholic couple
Yes, Shan Lor Pharmacy on corner of Cross and Bryant, with Goldberg’s Fish Market, a meat market (I think it was Swerdlick’s) and a bakery on other corners. On the corner of Grape and Bryant was another bakery. I remember Sunny Rose Market (the local super market), Glick’s Meat Market, the 5 and dime (the owners had their concentration camp numbers on their arms) as did Phil, the owner of the convenience store on corner of Newton and Bryant. Across Bryant St was the Capital Theatre/bowling alleys. Further down Bryant St was another meat market and Arnold’s Barber Shop. Some great memories.
Don’t you remember Smitty the fish store? He would give fish to many and didn’t take money as times were tough. He never became rich in finance but was rewarded in ways That truly counted! He was my grandfather. Thank you for this story. It brought back many happy childhood memories!
The Soony Rose belonged to my grandfather Max Berman. The name came from my uncle who was the only son and my grandmothers name was Rose. That’s how it became the Sonny Rose
Was Max Berman a dentist? My entire childhood was practically spent ( my teeth anyway) at Dr Bermans office. I think it was Ferry Street. Related?
I think his office was at the corner of Clayton and Ferry, across the street from Ferryway Green. From home plate at the small baseball Diamond {North end of the park}, I hit a pitched baseball way out through the window of his Dentist Office!!!
I also went to the same dentist. It was across from the park on Ferry street. I don’t remember the side street name?
Madeleine Cardello (Pominville)
Anyone remember Silers(?)fruit store? I pushed many a cartful of goods from that store..Everyday after school and knew on Fridays it would be a heavy day..1955,1956
Sorry to put this here, but it would not allow me to correct my own reply above yours. It was a pitched golf ball at home plate on the Northwest Baseball Diamond at Ferryway. Not a baseball. Do not know why it was changed. ???
My family was a victim of the then urban renewal on Eastern Ave., which then became a car dealership. The neighborhood which encompassed Suffolk Square, Ferraway Green (?) south to Dell Park was destroyed by what we became to know as fucking crooks who were in political and government jobs.
The neighborhood was of mixed religions and races then, and yes, you could and did leave doors open. You could walk and take buses with no fear. Many of us just got Suffucked!
How are you. A name from the past.
Lenny at Shan Lor was an institution.
Grew up on Bryant Street. Remember the square well! Grandmother and grandfather owned Alice’s Variety store on the corner of Essex and Henry Streets. My dad was born in 1918 in a house in the square. One of the Glick’s would always throw me a piece of corned beef when my mom would shop there. Remember the Lincoln Jr. fire when we had to go double sesions.
Angie the barber? I went to Arnold’s.
My grandmother, Reva Pomerantz, lived at 80 Lyme Street until her death in 1998 at the age of 97. I loved Suffolk Square the Cake Box, and knowing everyone in the neighborhood.
My great grandparents, Harry & Dora Goldblatt, lived at 75 Essex Street, one house away from the corner of Henry Street. Before and during WWII, it was a small farm. All my relatives were from Suffolk Square (Essex Street, Harvard Street, Boylston Street, Upham Street, Franklin Street, Coburn Street, etc); I grew up on Coburn Street.
I lived on Lyme Street as a kid (c. 1949-1960). My uncle Manuel Finn owned the drug store on the corner of Bryant St. and Grape St., in competition with Shan Lors. My stepmom’s brother-in-law, Morris Weiner, had a grocery store there, and my aunt’s father, Mr. King, was a furrier. Was it Mal’s Fruit Store? I once won a puppy at the Capitol Theater. Wow – Arnold’s Barber Shop! Sledding down the hill at Lyme St. extension, near the Daniels School –
At the end of Lyme Street (across from the VFW I think) there was an upholstery shop as I recall – the owner hated having us kids around. At the other end there was a little variety store that sold submarine sandwiches (35 cents). Thanks for these memories.
I’ve just got to ask… I’ve been researching my old Malden families from the early 20th century. They lived on Bowdoin Street – the Fines (or Finegolds) and the Fishers. Documentary evidence indicates that they were likely related (or very close to) a Max Weiner and a grocer named “M. Weiner.” One of my relatives was pushing a cart for this grocer late one night in 1931 when he was hit by a taxi. I think he may have been delivering moonshine but maybe grocers delivered to homes at 11:40 pm back then 🙂 Do the names sound familiar?
The grocer may have been Morris Weiner. He was married to my step-mom’s sister Charlotte (Needleman).
I love reading your memories! They are rich with characters and descriptions. I can imagine the owner of the upholstery shop that hated kids, taste a submarine sandwich, sled down the hill in the cold, and oh the delight of winning a puppy is a beyond wonderful!
We (or our parents) knew each other for sure then. While my grandparents lived on Lyme Street, my parents lived on Daniels Street when I was born, then on Mills Street in a triple decker with the Youngs. I went to the Daniels Street school for first grade before we moved to Peabody.My teacher was Mrs. Wright. We moved to Peabody in June 1960. I remember sliding down that hill, and running along the stone wall up the hill. My grandmother was a Finstein. My grandfather owned the United National grocery near Revere Beach. My grandmother’s house is the one right next to the DAV (not VFW) that you are talking about. We played ball in the parking lot all the time. Was Morris Weiner’s son Paul? He went on to teach economics at UCONN. The upholstery shop was a mattress factory, When they threw it down all the rodents scurried around the neighborhood. My grandmother was beside herself. She belonged to the Harvard Street shul; my grandfather’s family had founded Mishkan T’filah up the Granville Ave hill. I used to walk up there and drop in on Mrs. Chesno on Playstead Rd on the way. My uncle Sonny (Sumner) Pomerantz would still have been living at home when you lived there. In 1949 he would have been in high school I think. My mother graduated from Malden High in 48. My grandmother went to the Revere Knitting Mill a few blocks away at least once a week, usually with me in tow. It all seems like yesterday. My other memory is how diverse Lyme Street was. The was a black family directly across the street. My grandmother spoke with her every day. Lots of Italian families on the street, too. Johnny Boy lived at the far end of the street, had the classic white T and jeans, slicked back hair. Up on Ferry Street Rocky the Barber cut my brothers’ hair.
A Lyme St./ Suffolk Square connection! Thank you both for sharing these memories. I wish Suffolk Square was still here.
Someone else posted a great story on Suffolk Square. I wish there were more photos! I was born in the 50’s but was lucky enough to experience something that kids just don’t see anymore. All these small businesses, my grandfather had a fish store. Everyone knew him as Smitty! An honest and hard working man who was loved by most! I was young but still remember a little bit about walking there and getting penny candy at Shanlors? He was a Jewish immigrant with his hard working family as they all worked many long hours. They were like a family, all the small businesses sharing each other’s challenges in one little area, although there was a larger fish store that I remember was competing with my Zadie! My grandfather had too big a heart when people came for food and didn’t have any money. He would tell them to pay when they could and he would give them the fish anyway. IHe may have not been a shrewd business man but I’d rather remember those days as a little girl knowing how much he cared about others. If anyone remembers him please share or any photos. Thanks!
Yes, please share photos everyone!
When I first married and moved to Malden from Dorchester I shopped all over Suffolk Square. Smitty was a lovely, friendly man who was very kind to this 20 year old girl trying to be one of the Married Women of the area. I learned much from him, including how to treat people and how to speak to/with them.
I lived on Linwood Street in the 1950’s and attended Lincoln school (watched it burn down). Loved to go into Suffolk Square to go to the movies. Remember the chickens hanging in the butcher shop window. Arnold the barber cut my hair and told me he was a survivor. Many of them moved into the neighborhood. Spent all my summers playing ball at Ferryway Green and winters ice skating there at night. It was a tough area but we all managed to survive. Glad I lived there.
I lived on Grape St. until 1940, then moved to 76 Upham St., next Franklin school. After the war, we moved to Essex ST. I went to the Franklin school until it closed in 1938, then Lincoln and Malden High. Suffolk Square will never be forgotten. I remember Leshner’s Grocery in which Jack and Fran Gabowitz worked.
My mothers family were the Bermans. They slso owned the Sonny Rose dry good store
My mother shopped in Sunny Rose and I believed she knew tour family
We’re you related to the Bermans that were the dentists? My dentist was DR Berman. My grandparents were the Smiths. My parents were the Cutlers.
To all you Maldonians: I just thought I’d try again to see if any of you recall my mother’s families. I realize that these people were from a generation earlier than those of you who have sent messages but I thought I’d try. The names are Fisher, Fine (also Finegold), Gersinovitch, Kuznitz, Churnick and Mould. I am fairly certain that the Weiners were related but I can’t actually connect them on a family tree. My mother, Ruth Fisher Gelbard, was born at 104 Bowdoin Street in 1914. I would recommend this book: “The First Jew” by Richard Klayman. It’s an early (1900-1932) book about the Suffolk Square community. Klayman wrote a sequel, too. One last comment… my grandmother, Pearl Fisher Kuznitz, actually spent time in Plymouth prison for making moonshine in her attic (1929) at 90A Suffolk Street. Thank you.
Nick–Richard Klayman and his brother Mel grew up on Almont Street, around the corner from Coburn Street, where I lived, and I knew them both when I was a kid. I have read both of Richard’s books–“The First Jew” (non-fiction) and “Goodbye Again”, a terrific novel about Suffolk Square in 1941. The latter inspired me to write my first novel, “Sin of Omission”, set (mostly) in Suffolk Square in 1962-63, with flashbacks to WWII and the characters’ shtetl in Russia.
Thank you for responding, David. I’ll have to check out your book as well as “Goodbye, Again.”
One other comment I neglected to make earlier… I have been to many archives including NARA in Waltham, MA Vital Records, and the Malden Library. But, aside from meeting cousins for the first time (including Melvin Fine, respected Malden optometrist), one of the most special moments was when I was looking for my Fisher ancestors at Beth Jacob Cemetery in Woburn. I found six of them but on two of the graves, I saw the preserved images of my great grandfather, Joseph Fisher, and my grandfather, Barnet Fisher, for the first time. Goose bumps!
My father’s sister Fanny and her husband Jack Gabowitz owned Leshner’s grocery in Suffolk square and my father returned to Malden to practice medicine on Salem street until he died.
Your Dad was our family doctor and I remember him quite vividly. He was very kind, nice and dedicated to his patients. He, in fact delivered me at Malden hospital in 1951. He also cared for my cancer ridden father during his last days in 1981. Loved it when he came to the house as he made many, many house calls every day. He diagnosed my appendicitis in 1969 and had a colleague Dr Neipriss perform the surgery. He always smoked a pipe, his office on Salem St was always packed and he had a cool license plate – MD 801 I think. One day he visited me as I was home sick; he determined I was fine and drove me to St Joseph School in his Cadillac and walked me right in the door. A great man, your Dad.
Dick Fitzpatrick
Dr Z was my doctor in high school since he was the football teams’ doctor. I recall he drove an Olds 442 convertible. Dark green. It had a 4- speed transmission. Funny the things you remember.
Your father was our family doctor too. As many have noted, I remember with appreciation that he made house calls when I was sick! He cared for my father, Bennett Mandel, when he got cancer in 1976. I went to Glenwood School with you and eventually we both were in the Major Work Class. I didn’t know about your Suffolk Square connection, but I have fond memories of the neighborhood when we were students at Lincoln Junior High.
Susan (Mandel) Schiller
Many of our neighbors on Lyme Street at the time (c. 1949-1960) were Italian. We lived at 96 Lyme Street, renting from first the Hoffmans and then the Miccichis, though my mother’s parents (Thomas and Nadia Finn) lived above us first: they were killed in a car accident in New York on July 4, 1950. Next door upstairs were the Savastanos (Frank and Dick and their mom – Jeannie I think), and downstairs from them were Flo and Blackie. Sal Vetrano lived down the street, and next door was the Rossi family. The Rossi son, Jerome, became a major figure in the TJ Maxx organization. I played ball with Butchie Burgess accross the street, whose father (I think) was named Elmer. There was a large garage near the Harvard Street end of Lyme Street and we used to play ball, throwing the ball against the building. The folks who lived next door, named Ritter, didn’t like that very much!
Spent my entire childhood in Berman’s chair, too. Big cotton sticks on the ends of the needles, like we wouldn’t see them. Awful.
We used to play ball in the DAV parking lot next to my grandparent’s house at 80 Lyme Street. (Pomerantz)
He owned a grocery near Revere Beach on Atlantic Ave (United National.)
I lived on Cross st. Next to Lyme st. My house at 565 Cross st . The house was high up with the
Hill behind. Went to Daniels elementary School. My maiden name is Pearlswig.
Hi Laura, I (Sheila Mugnano) used to live across the street from you, at 560 Cross St. I also remember the pear tree on your front lawn. I can’t remember if you had 2 or 3 older sisters.
i am marilyn wexler jones—-lived on 560 cross st as a child—-very young child
Anyone related to Bobby or Donna Pearlswig?
They lived on Bainbridge….I think.
I know how to contact Dona pearlswig
Hi, Laura. I remember you well. We lived just down the street at 539 Cross Street and knew your family well. We would pass your house every day walking to the Daniels Elementary School. Our house is still standing. Your sisters Brenda and Linda would babysit for us. I remember the beautiful morning glories on the wall in front of your house and the honeysuckle pears from the tree in your yard. I planted morning glories at my fence in tribute to yours. And I remember the lilac trees and poison ivy in our front yard. I was impressed that your sister Linda would iron her blouses to wear to school and your sister Brenda was an amazing artist (I think it was Brenda that used to draw Superman so well). Our mothers were good friends, and your mother may even have worked for my uncle, Benny Books. You and my sister were good friends. We had one of the first televisions on the block, and your family would come to our house, I think on Wednesdays at 9 pm, to watch Milton Berle. Wishing you everything good.
I don’t remember Sheila Mugnano (below). Maybe an age difference. I think that Eve Epstein may also have lived across the street, but maybe i don’t have it right.
We lived directly across from the shul – or rather, its community center. That meant we had to park our car on Lyme Street on Shabbes so as not to offend synagogue goers. And we didn’t hang out laundry in the yard on Saturdays.
And up the street there was Azoff’s bakery. We bought half a light rye bread, sliced, every day. I remember buying two bottles of ink at the five and dime as an anniversary present for my parents. Unusual present, I guess, but they cost 20 cents, exactly the amount I had to spend.
Does anyone know the exact name of Nealie’s on Cross Street near the Daniels School? We would go there often to buy penny candy.
I lived at 460 cross street directly across the street from Asia Bakery all great memories back in the late forties and fifties until urban renewal took it over and we moved to Pierce Street in Malden now I go back to show my children and is nothing what’s the weather left of Suffolk Square again great memories
I was born in Malden in the mid 30’s and lived on Cross Street, Hazelwood St and Harvard Street.
I went to Daniels. Lincoln and Malden High graduating in1954, Yes, I recall Suffolk Square and
Cohens, Bermans,Shanlors, Freddies shoe Store,Finns and Moguls Capital Theater ( 2 features, serial .funnies ,coming attractions, and drawings for prizes like bicycles, food,etc.—I won a Piggy bank ) , Movies were 12 cents and my mother always packed a peanut and raisin snack bag,. the Cake Box with the pool parlor upstairs.My father used to go to the Progressive Credit Union fort interest free loans and savings accounts.) .
I remember the electric trolley that the conductor had to go outdoors to re-align the car with the overhead lines when turning around.
2 blocks from our Harvard Street house was the Agudas Achum Synagogue an orthodox temple where I was bar-mitzvahed. I still imagine my grandmother sitting in the balcony and my father and I about 4 rows from the bima.That building was demolished in the 60’s and a modern
building was constructed at that location, which is now gone.
I returned in 2004 for my MHS reunion and walked the streets of Suffolk Square and Malden Square .Remember the Mystic,Strand,Granada and Orpheam theaters? Where did the Malden Hospital go ?
Were you in school with Sumner (Sonny) Pomerantz? My mother Charlotte is about five years older than you. They were at 80 Lyme Street. My grandmother went to the Harvard street schul and my grandfather was up the hill on Granville.
merton used to ride to northeastern with u
Hi Merton, last time I saw you was at our 50th class reunion. We r now planning our 65th on October 20. Hope u will join us. Classmate, Barbara Sherman Weiner
Sent from Barbara’s iPhone
So you were in school with my uncle Sonny Pomerantz, who lived on Lyme Street – -I’m guessing.
Merton, This is Lester Goldberg and we lived upstairs from you and your sister Wilma and your younger brother Alan. I can remember going down to the basement and you were at Northeastern and studying in the room your parents made. My father was Sam and mother Bea, and had two brothers Steve and Richard. I believe it was electrical engineering you studied.Yes I worked at Shanlor drug store. It was great years living in Suffolk Square. Nice to see your name and hope is all well.
Hi Deborah,
I do recall Sonny Pomerantz who was also buddies with Jerry Hyde (deceased) and Leon Shear. I graduated MHS in 1954.
Wilma (my sister) just returned from her grandson’s graduation from Tufts. They toured our area and took video and photos
around Harvard/Sammett and the Agudas Achim cemetery. They stopped at the New Bryant Street Schul and she actually met 2
women she knew from the Suffolk Square area. ! I would have joined them,
however I was in New Orleans
celebrating my granddaughter’s graduation from Tulane.
Hi Merton,
This is Phillip Hyde, Jerry Hyde’s son. He always spoke well of you guys.
Thank you so much for this picture…..wish there were more……Such memories from our childhood. The butcher, Azoffs bakery, both drug stores, the corner small grocery stores, etc. etc…..always something going on in and around Suffolk Sq. Thanks again:)
Hi Barry,
I have not heard the name “Velleman’ since my high school days. Muriel Velleman graduated with me in 1954. I do recall
that she was my partner in a scavenger hunt . Are you in any way related to her ?
Hi, Merton,
Muriel Velleman is my first cousin. Her father Nathan was my Dad’s older brother. Her mother, Minnie, was the daughter of Mr. King, the furrier in Suffolk Square. Her brother is Elliott, who also went to Malden High. They lived on Bolyston St., Malden. Muriel, I believe, just turned 80. Her married name is Baum. I believe they live in Hopkinton MA.
Hi merton, I also remember every place that you mentioned–good to see you on fb!!! Ethel Menovich Haskell
My family was a victim of the then urban renewal on Eastern Ave., which then became a car dealership. The neighborhood which encompassed Suffolk Square, Ferraway Green (?) south to Dell Park was destroyed by what we became to know as fucking crooks who were in political and government jobs.
The neighborhood was of mixed religions and races then, and yes, you could and did leave doors open. You could walk and take buses with no fear. Many of us just got Suffucked!
My mother grew up in the Suffolk Square neighborhood on Bowdoin Street from 1914 to 1932. Her parents were immigrants from Russia and met when they were the proverbial “boy and girl next door.” They were the Fishers and the Fines (Feingolds originally). I had other relatives in the neighborhood, too. Richard Klayman wrote a book about the Jewish immigrants in Malden. Nice description of Suffolk Square I’ve used in my family history narrative. E-mail me if you would like details at ncgelbard@gmail.com.
So surprised to see a picture of my grandparents on Facebook. They had a dairy farm near where Malden Catholic sits and that is where the cows would graze. Suffolk Square had everything we needed. I still have a dish that was part of the giveaways at the movie theater. This was a great neighborhood to grow up in.
Hi Merton, graduated with you in 1954 and last saw you at our 50th class reunion. I still live in the suffolk square are on Mills St. I have only fond memories of the area growing up, lots of kids in the area (mixed religions, but always got along) My children all graduated MHS and now live in different cities in MA My uncle Bill Fleishman owned a coffee shop next to Goldbergs Fish Market. We belonged to the Bryant St. Shul which is located still on Bryant St. where Glicks, Finns Drugstore would have been and the Harvard St. Shul merged with us 14 yrs ago. We’re small but still in going strong after over 100 yrs. What a wonderful idea of this site and thank everyone who contributes to it.
Barbara Sherman Weiner, June 5, 2017 @ 10:45 a.m.
I worked at my fathers business NORTHEASTERN MALDEN BARRELL CO. on HARVARD ST. from the age of 14 thru college and up to graduation from dental school. I remember SHERS DELI and BARNEYS convenience store on HARVARD ST. Fond memories of the area. Living in LONG ISLAND for the last 50 years[ROSLYN] but I still visit MALDEN when I come up there. Never forget your roots!
Just thought I would chime in – I lived in Suffolk Square too. I lived at 350 Bryant Street. I remember all the things everyone has spoken about. As a matter of fact, I married a man who worked for Northeastern Barrel Company (Edward “Pockets” Harvey). We were married for 39 years until he passed away with dementia and cancer. I’m still friends with Janice Azoff, Joyce Razinsky and Dotty Zuckerman. My nickname was “Sugie” – I graduated in 1964 from Malden High and still live in Malden. My daughter graduated in 1984 from Malden High as well. So nice to relive those days through these posts…. Just another note: my name – Althea (Bailey) Harvey aka “Sugie”
did you have a relative Randall Bailey?
Barbara, did you have a relative (Freedman/ Weiner) who taught 5th grade at the Leonard School in the 60s? One of the best teachers I ever had, so kind, so much fun. She invited the whole class to her wedding ceremony.
Joanne Bean Alvarez
Sugie, my mom was in Malden Hospital having a baby at the same time as you. The two of you hung out together for a while, Pat Montgomery.
I know I’m a little late to the game so I don’t know if you’ll see this. My name is Laurie Mullen and I grew up on Daniels St. I graduated from MHS in 84 too.
Hi Barbara,
Do you remember Cohen’s grocery store. Mr. Cohen always added up the bill on the grocery bags repeating the costs in Jewish.
He was very fast with his addition and never made an error. Funny what we remember !
I now live in L.I. for the summer months and in N.C. during the winter. They are both active senior communities . We love the life style.
Communicating with ex-Maldenites recalls figures from the distant past. I would appreciate it if you know the where-abouts of
Elaine Fox (Piven). She was friendly with Arlene Wyman. Elaine was my next door neighbor and a close childhood friend.
We plan to return to Boston for a visit this fall and will definitely spend some time touring the old neighborhood.
Hi Mert
Just spoke to Elaine Fox Piven and gave her your regards. She now lives in Tewksbury and is still friendly with Arlene Wyman Kahan who lives in Peabody. She will reach you on your email site soon. Please get in touch with us when you plan to visit Malden in the fall and perhaps we can get together for lunch and reminisce. My email is Bobie52003@yahoo.com. I have two granddaughters who have already graduated colleges and are now in the workforce. I now have two grandchildren entering college in the fall. Our granddaughter is entering Elon in the fall @ their college of communications and our grandson is entering Rowan Univ. in NJ studying liberal arts and music. This is so much fun!!
Maybe we should have a reunion!
GREAT SITE! link to “mysticriverjews.jcam.org” then click on “communities “then click on MALDEN. Enjoy the photos,interviews,and history of the city and Ward 7 (suffolk square).
I lived on Linwood street in the 1950’s. anyone else out there?
My great grandmother Bella Fine (Feingold) came to Malden from the Berdichev, Russia area (now Ukraine) in 1903/04. She lived on Bowdoin and Lyme Streets in Malden until her death in 1936. Her father’s name, as listed on her death certificate, was Louis Rodman (a variation of Rotman, Roitman, etc.). Have you done the Ancestry.com DNA test? We might be cousins 🙂
My real name is not Rotman. My grandfather took that name when he arrived at Ellis Island.
Born in 1940, I well remember Suffolk Square and had not been back there since the mid 60″s . My niece and I took a trip to visit relatives and she insisted that we see Suffolk Square. I went with mixed emotions. It was a shock to see it all gone. The house I grew up in still stands at 103 Willow just below the Daniels School (now a condo). Almost everything else is gone. My sister was Toby Segel (1945) and my brother was Ed Segel (1935) and both deceased. All the streets and names are very familiar. Looking back, I think that the true gift of Suffolk Square was the cultural mix which to us seemed normal…black, white, Jewish, Catholic, Italian or Irish…it all worked.
I would love to know if anyone remembers the Segel Family. The Willow Street house was owned by my fathers parents and was our own Brighton Beach Memoirs. My mother’s parents were the Short family on Linwood Street.
Lots of memories. My husband and I have lived in Florida since 1969 (Tampa)
Cindy Sandra Segel Malden HS 1958
I remember the Segel family. Your brother Ed who was a year older than me mixed with friends occasionally and was your Mom Lillian ? I believe she was active in B’nai Brith. I still live in Suffold Sq. on Mills St. I go by your family home almost every day. Suffolk Sq. was unique in so many ways. The street names are the same, but the population has changed. There are still a number of families like mine who have remained there and are still active at the Bryant St. Shul.
The Harvard St. Shul merged with us 14 yrs. ago and it became condominiums. It is so nice to reminisce. My name is Barbara Sherman Weiner and originally lived on Boylston St. We have been living on Mills St. 49 years.
I just saw this article (it brings back lots of memories) and have been scanning the comments.
Your brother and I spent a lot of time together, especially during high school and for a few years after that; I remember being in your home many times and have fond memories of your mother who treated me as one of the family. Ran into Ed some years ago when he was living in Sudbury or Framingham.
Mike Sadofsky (mike.sadofsky@gmail.com)
I lived at #37 Suffolk Street from the age ages of 6 thru 9. I went to Lincoln School. We lived on the top floor of a two family. The people downstairs were Lloyd and Lela Swain. They were Black people. They would always invite me in for doughnuts. Lloyd would take me by bus to Salem Willows to fish off the pier. We never caught anything but had fun nevertheless. I remember going to the Capital Theater for 15 cents. The Weiners lived across the street. They were plumbers. I wish I new more but I was young. My brother is ten years older than I , and used to work at Smitty’s Fish Market
I went to Malden High with Toby Segel. She was a lovely young lady. So sorry to hear of her passing. I was born in 1946 and lived on 96 Lyme Street, a block away from Willow, from about 1948-1960. Our 2-family house was owned by my grandparents, Thomas and Nadia Finn. They died in a car accident in New York on July 4, 1950. (Thomas’ brother, Manuel, owned Finn’s Drug Store.)
The next owners were the Hoffmans. They sold it to the Miccicci’s. I also went to school with Sandy Golumb, who I think lived on Willow St. or in that area. My neighborhood friends were Maxine Shoulder, Charlie Desmond, Maria Albino, Sal Vetrano, Butch Burgess, and Jerome Rossi. Maxine and Maria are on the MHS 1963 website. I know Charlie is in Education and Civil service, and Jerome became a top exec at TJ Maxx. I had cousins and step-relatives who lived on Boylston St. (Nathan/Minnie/Elliot/Muriel Velleman) and I took piano lessons from Anthony Apicella, who lived on Mills St. My Dad (Harold Velleman, 1923-2013) wanted to kill me when I ran up $10 in repairs to my bike (without his knowledge) at a little shop in Suffolk Sq. belonging to Moses Jones.
I went to school with Muriel and lived across the street on boylston. Nice to remicise.
Sent from my iPhone
I lived on Linwood st. from 1946-58. Friends with Jeff Sandler, Stu Webber and Harvey Goldman and Marc Malitsky. Great times at the Ferryway Green. Would hang out at Brighams Ice Cream and Senior Pizza. As a child I would go to Abes grocery store on corner of Henry and Cross sts. Would reach in the pickle barrel and help myself. I think he always new I would take the pickle and not tell him.
My cousin Arthur Allen often went out on Fridays at sundown and turned on the lights in homes on Boylston st and Harvard st and take his pay for this, 15cents or sometimes a quarter, out of a plate on the table. No work or handling of money on the sabbath.
So much fun to bring back the memories of
being brought up in Suffolk Square. My mom
shopped in so many of the stores mentioned.
She never drove and walked to do her shopping in all kinds of weather with her homemade shopping bag made from upholstery material and wooden handles. Her stamina was far beyond mine if the roles were reversed today. Interesting that no one has mentioned the Winer family or Alden Street
but I’d love to see the conversations continue.
I too am a Maldonite. As a child (around 4) my parents purchased our first home at 57 Linwood St. Born 1940 and graduated Malden High 1958. So nice to read comment/memories from other Malden people. Hope to read more, and will contribute more soon. For comments from Deborah Savage, your grandparents from Lyme street were my aunt and uncle. I remember Sumner very well, as well as his sisters. I spent many a day on Seaview Ave playing with my other cousins from the Kaplan family.
Hello Harvey. This is Rich Rotman. My brother Stephen and I lived so 70 Linwood. Do you have a brother Marty? I believe you lived near Sheldon Gilman. We lived downstairs from the Gelpe’s and across from the Malitskys.
I remember Suffolk Square so well..
I didn’t know this site existed and I’m so glad I clicked on the picture to read everyone’s posts. I was born in Malden in 1943 to Frances & Morris (Murray/Rudy) Rudolph. I had a brother (Ralph Rudolph who passed away 3 years ago) and a sister, Janet Rudolph Cohan, who lives in Peabody. Ralph would have loved this site because I’m sure he knew almost everyone who has posted anything and he would certainly have tried to be in contact with you. Some of your names seem familiar to me, however, even though I attended Lincoln Elementary, Lincoln Junior High and Malden High School, I never had any friends (no one liked fat kids back then), so your names are probably familiar because I heard my parents or my brother mentioning you. My cousin, Rose Holstein, probably knows many of you, as well. She and her parents lived on Boylston Street for many years and we lived at 369 Bryant Street, around the corner from our synagogue, the Agudas Achim. Reading all your posts brings back so many wonderful memories. I can remember my parents and Ralph always talking about the Sparrow family. I guess before I was born they were neighbors and Ralph and Harold Sparrow were the best of friends. I remember that Harold was a police officer as was his father, but I can’t remember the father’s name. I remember Bendell’s Kosher Meat Market and the Kosher chicken store where men would sit plucking the chicken feathers. I can remember buying penny candy at the drug store on the corner of Bryant and Cross Streets. If I remember correctly, there were 2 or 3 drug stores on the corners of Bryant and Cross Streets. Does anyone remember the YD beverage company? – I think they were on Suffolk Street. I remember Raymond’s (where I bought my kitchen set for $49 when I got my own 2-room apartment) which then turned in to Stuarts, which had anything and everything for reasonable prices. My husband (who’s from Everett) and I went back to Malden about 10 years ago and were shocked at how it’s changed so much. I’m so glad I found this site and thank you for your posts, which brought back some wonderful memories. G-d bless each and every one of you with Health and Happiness.
So many familiar names, so many familiar memories.
I moved to this area, from the Edgeworth section of Malden as a nine year old and lived on Alden Street. A few years later we moved to Newland Street. I don’t think I had ever met Jewish people beforehand. The older bubbes and zaydes were my favorites. I loved listening to the accents and hearing the expressions they carried with them from worlds far different than those of my Irish, French and English grandparents. We of the Suffolk Square neighborhood were truly a melting pot back in those days.
I attended Daniels School and Lincoln Junior High, then back to Daniels School for double sessions after the fire at the junior high, and eventually I moved on to Malden High School. There were over 600 graduates in my class of 1965. My favorite part of the school day was when I sat in a “study” seat at the back of a college course classroom. I was able to listen to teachers prepare their students for an education that would take them onto campuses that were unheard of in my world. The Aronsons, Barry Arkin, the Cohen cousins, Brucie Golomb, Harvey Goldman, Marcie Weiner, and Ronnie Glick, among many others, lived my dream. They were my inspiration when it was time to offer my own four children such an educational opportunity several years later.
On my way home from high school, I would walk via Ferry Street and stop in the two bakeries in Judson Square. Babysitting jobs paid 50 cents an hour back then so I made sure I saved a bit of my wages for these stops. I would sometimes finish a whole loaf of freshly baked bread from the Judson Square Bakery as I strolled the more than mile distance from school to my home, taking the short cut down Cross Street to Bryant Street along my way. On other days I would stop in at the Cake Box to buy a half moon or two. To this day, I have not tasted a half moon as delicious as the ones I bought in that bakery during my schoolgirl days.
Do any of you remember a small eclectic shop on Bryant Street? That’s where I bought my parents’ Christmas gifts when I was in junior high. The, “Oh so elegant,” bottle of Evening in Paris in the blue and silver bottle for my mother and the little round blocks of Old Spice shaving soap, wrapped in parchment, for my father’s shaving mug. These treasures were purchased on “time,” but were always in my hand by December 24, thanks to the kindness of the owners who patiently allowed me to make payments from my babysitting earnings each week. My other favorite haunt for shopping was a little place just outside Suffolk Square, maybe on Lyme Street. I think it was a second-hand-shop and it was run by a very old-appearing (to my 12 year old eyes) woman. I remember there was not a bare spot of flooring in the whole place. The proprietress would literally climb over the stacks of newspapers in order to wait on her customers. More of those stacks were piled on the steps leading up to a landing of sorts. That staircase was off limits, so I have no idea what else she kept up there. Today, she would probably be labelled a hoarder, but back in those days in Suffolk Square, I believed she had the most interesting shop of all and I stopped in every chance I got, to search amongst her treasures. I’m disappointed that I don’t remember the name of either one of these shops.
I did not walk those streets as a granddaughter of one of the many who arrived as immigrants from war-torn lands across the sea. My grandparents arrived as immigrants from a different war — one of extreme hunger and poverty — the aftermath of the great famine days of Ireland. However, I certainly reaped the rewards of living amongst so many hardworking, ambitious people of Europe, living alongside equally hardworking people of various other countries. Together, we all made Suffolk Square such a unique and colorful world to grow up in. How fortunate I was…..
Thank you all for these memories.
Marsha (Atkinson) Sullivan
Marsha what a wonderful picturesque and floral story to your past memories and our connection through our ancestors. Your description brought back memories of yesteryear and I was thoroughly engulfed by your words! Thank you for the connection to our loving families! I lived on Alden street and went to the same schools as you. But I graduated in 1973. My sister graduated in
67. Great post❤️
Thank you for all the very special memories. I remember 90 o/o of everything you talked about. I always talk about the wonderful melting pot in. Which I grew up. I also speak of the very positive effect our Jewish neighbors had on all of us.
Hello Rich Rotman, this is Harvey Pomeranz responding to your recent post. Oh yes, I have a younger brother Marty. If you lived on the first floor of the Gelpe’s 2 family house, I was the baby sitter for you and your brother while I was growing up. And of cours I remember Mark Malitsky across the street from you. My email address is sabyharvey@aol.com. Would love to hear more from you and your brother. The Gilman boy from Linwood St. was Richard Gilman; we were very close friends; and it was Rich who emailed me the article about Suffork square.
Harvey, your are one of Uncle Louie’s sons, right? Shimmy’s brother? I’m Charlotte and Harry’s daughter.
Hello Margot,
I remember you and your brother and when you moved in to my neighborhood. Was your brother’s name Larry? That’s the name I seem to remember
Hello Deborah Savage from your cousin Harvey Pomeranz. Yes, my father’s name was Louis. I was next to the youngest of my 4 brothers (Milton deceased 1990; Shimmy, Irving & Martin still kicking). Upon retiring from GE in Schenectady, NY in 1994, then moved to Florida in 1995 where I still reside. I remember you Mother Charlotte and your father very well. In fact, had lunch with her and cousin Sandy Zigelbaum a few years ago here in Florida (more likely more than just a few years ago). Nice to hear from you!
Harvey is Sandy Zigelbaum any relation to Ira ? My brother Stephen and I would stop at his house every morning before school and walk to Lincoln elementary school together. He lived on Henry St.
Yo cuz; good to be in touch. I remember your parents well — of course, they were my great uncle and aunt. Of all of the sibs, I know Shimmy the best. That’s probably because from the time I was small he’d come around my grandparent’s house to hang out with Sonny. I also know Sandy, of course. Aunt Esther used to cut my hair when I was little — back when a 7 year old could walk from Lyme Street, across Willow, across Eastern and up granville ave. all by herself. I also remember that Uncle Louie used to play poker with Zadie and my dad.
Remembering Harry Goober of Harvard St ran a children’s chess club out of the old Lincoln School and then the YMCA. A great experience for a lot of neighborhood kids.
Anybody recall any attorney’s names in Malden in early 1960’s? I was born while mom lived on Playsted in Feb 1966 then was adopted out shortly thereafter. Thanks.
I have found through Ancestry.com I’m 50% Eastern European Jew and ~ 40% Irish. Mom was all Irish, but I can not find any trace of father. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Stumbled onto this site. Was born in Malden in 1955. Went to Belmont, LJH and MHS Class of ’73. I have some recollections of Suffolk Square before urban renewal. My mother, Edith Gray Braverman, grew up in Malden. They lived over Azoff’s Bakery, then on Granville Ave and ultimately on Floral Ave. I actually recognize some of your names. Any idea where to find pictures of Suffolk Square on line. I live in Toronto now jbraver@rogers.com..
Hi Joel. I was born in 1953. I went to Daniels School, and lived on Mills Street. My great aunt (Esther Kaplan) lived “up the hill.” We went to shul at Mishkan Tefilah on Granvile Ave. Someone else asked about Arnold the barber. I’ll try to remember his last name. I have old 8 mm movies of him giving my brother his first haircut in 1959.
Grew up at 438 Bryant near the Everett line. My backyard faced the Northeast Barrel Co. I remember it’s fire as I watched from my back porch. Also remember seeing the fire at Lincoln Jr.
High. Double sessions followed. I went from 12:00 to 4:00. My grandmother worked at the H & M Cakebox. (Alice Silverstein) Anyone remember Arnold the barber’s last name? Rabbi Singer?
YD Beverage? Friday night fires in abandoned triple deckers during urban renewal? The fire dept. would police the area for arsonists. Willie Baron and Mac Singleton? What was the name of the store at the corner of Harvard and Suffolk?
I lived on Linwood St. for 12 years and then moved to Belmont St. for 13 yrs.We lived with the Malitskys(owned a bakery at corner of Franklin and Uphan Sts). I also remember watching Lincoln burn down. Double sessions at Daniel School. My cousin Richard Klayman I believe lived on Bryant St. I went to Arnolds for years for my haircuts and listened to all his jokes. Watched Willie Baron play and score double digits while he was triple teamed. Always thought he would turn pro. Sad about Mac Singleton Great athlete. Graduate MHS in 1965.
Rich, I was your neightbour Joel Braverman (Sam & Edith’s son) at 168 Belmont Street. The Nadel’s were our landlord.
Remember Freddie Luechter who became the infamous Mr. Death?
Mr. Malitsky drove a bakerie truck, maybe Cushman’s. I remember Barry and your brother Stephen.
OMG. How are you? Great to hear from you. I remember your parents so well. I believe my father bought a mink coat for my mother from your dad. How are your parents? My mother passed away in 1997 and my dad died in 2015 at age 100. My brother now lives in Plymouth. My wife and I live in NJ. Moved there after graduating college. She wanted to move back to NJ. Recently retired from my job. Not sure if you remember Marc Malitsky. He died in 2002. We were very close even though I didn’t see him much after I moved. It was great growing up in Malden, especially living in the Suffolk Square area. Hope to hear from you. Be well.
Rich, you can email me jbraver@rogers.com
Wow! This is Steven Ross. (Lived at 67 Upham Street from 1948 to 1964). Graduated Lincoln Elementary 1955, Lincoln Jr. High in 1958, Northeastern in 1964 and La Universidad de Las Americas, Ciudad de Mexico , in 1969. Recently attended Malden High’s 70th.
After a long life of travelling within more than 60 countries, I am settled in Seattle.
My Bobbie ( Vera Yaffee) had a grocery store in Suffolk Square. A young widow with sons Charles , Manny, Nathan, Nick, Pinky and J.C. and one daughter, our mother, Rae) she had too many children as did so many immigrants from Eastern Europe. Bobbie was lucky to have escaped the anguishes of the Old World pogroms (damn to all of the Romanovs and their useless sycophants) to come to America in the early part of the 1900’s. Had they not made that daring voyage many of those who came to know Suffork Square as their homes would not have survived what the 1930’s and 40’s dumped upon the world.
Yes, it was an eyeopener to find that the Suffork Square of yesteryear was gone. What ever happened to that Chinese man who had his laundry near the drugstore? And all of those thumbless butchers. The shoe repair shop and Sher’s deli? And the sidewalk mailboxes as well as the twice a day mail deliveries? Do the pleasantly visible cops still walk the beat?
Hi Steve, I was born in Suffolk SQ. Gratuated Malden High in 1954. Your Dad was Pres. Of Temple Ezrath ISRAEL WHICH my husband and I still belong too. The area has changed considerably. If you have been away since urban renewal you probably won’t recognize SuffolkSq. Barbara Sherman Weiner
Sent from my iPhone
Hello Barbara How pleasant of you to remember my father, Edward Ross. (Born as, Isaac Rosenbloom). He passed away so very long ago in 1976, at the relatively young age of 63. My mother Rae (Nee Rachel Yaffee) also was deeply involved with the Temple. After father passed away she (sick and tired of the brutal winters in Malden) moved to Los Angeles where her brother, Uncle Nate Yaffee had lived since about 1950. Another brother, Uncle Charlie Yaffee, also moved there as did Rae’s eldest son, Arnold. With the exception of Arnold all have passed away. Rae died in 2001 here in Seattle. The third son, Paul Ross became and is a successful businessman in New York and the last son, Lee Allen Ross passed away in Israel where he lived happily for some 35 years.
I visited my parent’s grave site just a few months ago north of Malden for my 60th High School reunion. Indeed the Suffork Square and Lincoln School I grew up with lives on only in our memories.
I have spent most of my life traveling the world. Just this year alone I went on a safari in Kenya and Tanzania, spent a few weeks in Singapore, and the same amount of time in Colombia and Cambodia.
I mention this because across the planet the same is happening as historic places are disappearing, wiped clean swept away, as if they never existed.
With best wishes, from Seattle: the home of Microsoft, Amazon.com, Starbucks, Boeing, Costco and the largest philanthropic foundation in the world, the Gates Foundation.
I, by the way, am happily married. With a much younger wife, we have together an eight-year-old daughter and (yes I am not hitting the wrong keys on this keyboard!) together we also have a wonderful two-year-old son. He was born when I was 75. I love little kids.
What would Rae and Eddie say?
Steven Ross
Hi Steve, ironically your fathers name was said as his Yzt. Is this week. I go to services every Saturday morning. Happy Chanukah!!
Sent from my iPhone
Steven, I remember you, Arnie, Paul and Lee. Seems you all have/had good lives .
We lived in the corner of cross and Henry until moving to Danvers in 1958. Some of my friends were Marshall Karol, who moved to Melrose, Elliot Gventer (Lt. Col.), David Isenberg, Herbie Weiner, Warren Brenner (all deceased) , Marv. Tabasky (with whom I’m in touch ) Barton Brass and Joel Green. My wife Lyn (81) and I (80) , who have more than our share of luck, have lived in Framingham for over 15 years and have lived in Sun City Center, Florida, a “kiddie camp” for seniors Since 2004. We have also done a lot of traveling (extended trips Australia , NZ, Japan, Thailand, Burma, Bali, China, India, Peru-Ecuador-Galapagos,France …).
We are one of the owners of an MJ business in California which I mention as my cousins (another owner ) and I are grandsons of Ida, a successful Malden Bootlegger…just continuing a modern version of “the family business “.
We have two children: Laura and Lee and two grandchildren Jeffrey and Meredith, all of whom have done well. Steve Blesofsky
Just found this sight, my dad had a store on the corner of Bryant and Boylston st. I worked at Progressive Credit. Union for many years. I still live in Malden, the Bainbridge St. area. I graduated Malden High I 1948. Would love to hear from anyone who graduated with me.
Hey, Does anyone know the schedule for the Faulkner bus to Everett station? I used to catch it on Bryant street by Phil’s variety store on the corner of Newton Street! My grandfather, Nathan Rodman, was a founder of the Progressive credit union. He lived on Coburn Street where my mother was born and lived all of her life. I went to kindergarten at the old JWV on the top of Upham street because the new Lincoln elementary wasn’t opened until I went to first grade. I went to Lincoln Jr High, president of my class, and then Malden High, class of 1970. My older brother Josh was in the class of 1967.
My friend David Katz, wrote a book about the history of Suffolk Square and incorporated it into a fiction about a couple of Suffolk Sq kids (David and I) who witness a crime. It’s titled, Sins of the Omission, and it’s available on Amazon.
Nate Lincoff
Wondering if this site is still active? I left a comment that hasn’t been published. I lived in the fringe of Suffolk Sq. on Coburn Street where my grandparents owned a home and where my mother was born.
Nate Lincoff
Sent from Barbara’s iPhone
Hello Nate. My name is Harvey Allen Vigasin. Class of 1967. From 1951-1959. I lived at 27 Almont St. The house was owned by Hyman Rubenstein. His wife Charlotte Passed away a month ago. My Father was Moses Vigasin , Mother was LIllian. Her children were Harvey4/24/48, My brother William G 4/25/53 and My sister, Linda 1957. . Youre backyard was on my right. In 1954 the house was sold to the Springers. !n 1959 We moved to the Faulkner Projects and later to Lisbon St. Did youi you ever Meet Norman Geenbaum? AKA Dr. West. He also lived on Lisbon St, But probably on one of those properties That “caught Fire” Here is a Suffolk Square Memory for :You. There Used to be a good sized supermarket (Lechner’s) I remember A TV add promoting .the Eddie Cantor Show. My barber was German Jewish refugee Henry Guilden. He moved his shop to Judson Square He may been there through the 80s. . Hope some of this is helpfull. I remember Your grandfather Owned a 1957 Dodge . Take Care. HarveyVigasin.
Sent from Barbara’s iPhone
Nate Lincoff forwarded your site to me. I was Nate’s best friend growing up at 18 Coburn Street (owned by Mrs. Goldberg). My mother, Ruth Weiner) Katz and her parents, Sam & Sarah (Goldblatt) Weiner, lived at 14 Coburn Street in the house owned by Nate’s grandparents until I was born in 1952. Your house at 27 Almont Street was the home of my mother’s closest friend, Charlotte (Berger) Goldstein until shortly after World War II.
Of course, I remember Stewie Cutler (mentioned below)–I vividly remember boxing in his basement and building snow forts in his back yard. Glad you enjoyed my first novel!
Hi Harvey, I vaguely remember you and your family. I was born in ’52. My older brother Josh was your age. My grandfather, Nathan Rodman actually passed away in 1950. He didn’t drive or own a car as far as I was told. My father had a Nash and then an Olds 88. I spent many hours on Almont St. on “Hebrew Mountain”. We would hang out there, go sledding there etc. The Glick family lived on the corner of Almont St. and Almont terrace. I also knew the Levine family who lived directly across the street from the Hebrew School. Michael, who was your age became the drummer of the acid rock group “ultimate spinach”. He died from a drug overdose. I did know Norman Greenbaum when his mother lived on Franklin Street. She taught Bar Mitzvah lessons in her home. I’ll never forget catching the Faulkner bus to Everett station on Bryant st. between Newton and Hazelwood St. Phil’s variety was on the corner of Newton and Bryant. Penny candy galore, soda in bottles including YD which was right around the corner on Cross St. What I’ll always remember the most was when the cranes arrived and demolished most of the “3” deckers. Little did I know then that it was just the former mayor Walter Kelleher’s urban renewal plan to keep a certain group of immigrants out of Malden. I went to Henry the barber after Arnold the barber passed away. It was a real adventure living there during those years. My best friend who also grew up on Coburn St. wrote book that has tons of history about the development of Suffolk Sq. It’s incorporated into a fiction about 2 kids, David and me, who witness a crime and are perplexed about how to deal with it. The book is “Sins of the Omission” and is available on Amazon.
Thanks for replying Harvey and be well.
Nate L
How is Josh?
Hi Nate and all,
I lived on Hudson Terrace as a pre-school child and played on Hebrew Mtn. with the Longo children. I was born in ‘52. Later I lived on Bryant St. and remember Suffolk Square very well, the bakery, dry good store, the old drug store… I hold those memories dear to me. Later I lived on Hazelwood St. and went to Lincoln School. That’s where I met you boys, Nate, Josh and Stew… we also went to Malden High together. I live in NH now, but I will never forget my time in Malden. How blessed we all were to have experienced a pure culture that has now all but vanished. God bless and Shalom. Mary Parks Bonser
Hey Stew, Now there’s a name from the past! I haven’t seen or heard from Josh since 2011 at our younger brother Eddie’s funeral. He passed away at age 45. Both our parents were pre-deceased. Josh was living in Seattle, then Tuscon AZ , Ohio and last I heard was in SC. Aren’t you up in the Plumb Island area? I think I last saw you some years back at Logan airport. Weren’t you working there?
Was working for TWA and living in Newbury. A long time ago. Now retired in NJ
New Jersey?….what exit? I live in Salem, MA. I’m married to someone you once knew. You dated her older sister from Winthrop! I have one son who just turned 30. He played football at Clemson so I drove thru NJ on many occasions going to SC. We have relatives there as well.
Not many folks left from Coburn Street from those days. Glad to hear from you!
Yeah, New Jersey. Wish I was still near Plum Island. We sold weekend property in Dutchess County NY last December. When wife retires we’ll get out of here, maybe back upstate or the Berkshires. Who from Winthrop did you marry? Btw when I read the review of your friends book I immediately knew it was the Lincoffs. I guess it’s too bad you and your brother aren’t close but it is what it is.
Eilene Brown’s younger sister Andrea. Married 42 years. Eilene still lives in Winthrop. Has one son who’s 37.
Do you still ride a motorcycle? You were the first Jewish kid I knew that rode. The second was Elliott Goldstein. No longer alive and his cousin Stuart Goldberg who got killed on his chopper. Sad . Be well and ride safe !
I thought Eileen was living in duxbury. Oh well. Take care
Eileen married a guy from Duxbury. They first lived in East Boston before moving back to Winthrop. I think she’s about the only Jew still living there!
Times have changed…..
Hi Nate and Hello Stew: When they retired, my folks and Brother moved to Tuscon. My sister is living in Seattle. Hear once in a while. When i finished Malden High in 67.. The draft was on So I joined the Air Force.: Missed 1967-1969. Most of the Summer of love. That So called Boston Sound around 67-68 for the most part. I was stationed in Spain Torrejojn AB. Francisco Franco . (ElJeffe) was the boss. Orpheus was the only band .we heard there. Martha Greenbaum was my Hebrew Teacher. Her Husband Moses was an insurance salesman. She used to take my payment and just leave it in the top drawer. . I heard that some one with a sharpened umbrella held them up. My last job was the Va, Gov Ctr. 1980-2012. At one point 1970-83. I lived Not far from Central and Harvard sq. Cambridge. If I am correct,Elliot ran a store, (Tech Hi Fi.) Off Mass Ave. The YD Tonic Later moved to South Boston. The place that used to bottle it also bottled Teds Root Beer. There used to be an autographed photo of Ted Williams in the front office.. It Went down with the building.
harvey did your mom go to the library in the lincoln junior high
Nate: Just got a copy of Sins of Omission .Could you tell him how much I enjoyed it! Could not put it down. Thanks and take care Harvey Vigasin
Thank you for the suggestion on “Sins of Omission” I read it today and enjoyed the book.
Great! I was Matt ! David lived on Coburn Street. His dad was a kosher butcher in Brookline. His mother Ruthie is 100 plus and lives independently in Peabody! She still drives. What was great about the book was the history regarding the immigrants that came to Suffolk’s square. Only in America! The cover pictures were taken by mother on the first day of school when I was beginning the second grade. My brother Josh, is the tall blonde who was entering the 5th grade. Glad you read it.
So glad you enjoyed my first novel! –David Katz
Nate: There is a major error in a past communication. I went to make a correction on my comments on the Greenbaums, I, accidently deleted a sentence relating to The variety store. (Bills) was the place held up . Sorry. By the way my Father “Moe”, worked for a cleaning Co for 20 years. (Sub-Urban Waxing), Pleasant St Malden Ma. You may have seen the old Blue GMC panel trucks around back in the 50s and 60. I was born on Granville ave 76. The Ames Brothers (changed name) , Originated from there too. Take Care: Harvey
My greatgrandfather was one of the founders if the Granville Ave shul, Mushkan T’filah.
Hi Deborah, My grandfather Nathan Rodman was one of the founders of Temple Tifereth Israel and was key to fund raising for the “ new” temple they built on Salem Street. His cousin was a founder of the Faulkner Street schul which ended up in the west end. How many active synagogues are there now in Malden.? I remember there were at least 3 in Suffolk square plus the ultra orthodox schul on Holyoke Street.
Hi Deborah and Nate. Where on Granville ave was the Mushkin T,ifilah located? It must have been in a converted house. . Did you know a family there Wildorff (Sophie) a daughter Reva., or Senders Labiie and Ruth? . By the way, my father used to belong to the Progressive Credit
Union. I had my bar mitzvah in the old building at Agudus Achim . That and the old Bryant St Schul are now combined into 1 congregation. . Back in the 50s-60s There was huge hall that was on the corner of Bryant St. At the time,I t may have been run by the JWV. It may have been a schul before that.. Any info; For a year or so I used to attend boy scout meetings at the Salem St Temple (Troop 613) You may possibly remember a family named Rubenstein that lived on Newton. St. My Grandfather Frank also lived to 100. His children were Izzy, Hyman,. Lillian, (My mother) And Melvin the younger brother. He may have been a charter member of the Salem St temple. His family lives in St Paul these days .
I was a member of troop 613 and met at the Salem st temple. Ave Japlan was the scout master. I knew the Rubensteins on Newton St, Marty was my best friend. Lived around the corner, down the steeet from Nate.
Hi Stew–David Katz here (your old neighbor from 18 Coburn Street). I, too was a member of Troop 613. Abe Kaplan was the Scoutmaster; Billy Tabasky was my patrol leader when I first joined (his brother, Sam, married Bunny Toder).
I remember boxing in your basement and building snow forts in your back yard with Nate & Josh Lincoff, Don Razinsky, Stevie Abisso, Mark Toder, Larry & Eddie Gersh, et al.
Wow! Your memory is much better than mine. You shook some cobwebs. Really thinking hard I remember on Coburn St, Nate and Josh, Eddie and Larry, Billy McNamee, Butchie(?) Garrison, the Powers family, the Factors, the Londons, the Blacks, the Boraks (sp) and now since you mention Bunny Toder. I knew people on Newton St, a few on Hazelwood and Franklin Sts
You might remember my sister, Barbara. She was MHS class of 1966. I remember Barbara & Beverly Factor, of course; they were friendly with my sister, and they were cousins to Mark Lyons, who lived on the corner of Franlklin & Newton Streets.
You mentioned the Blacks–they were oour next door neighbors. Their house on the corner of Hazelwood & Coburn was torn down in the late 1960s. I remember Betty & George Boracks and their son Paul very well. They lived next door to Nate & Josh. Paul had a 1956 Corvette–it was sweet! I remember when George died suddenly in 1960; we were all shocked. Betty was so nice–unlike our landlady, Mrs. Goldberg, Betty never minded when the kids in the neighborhood wandered through her back yard.
Do you remember the “zip gun” war?
As mentioned in another post, I wrote a novel about growing up on Coburn Street (“Sin of Omission”). Though now out of print, it’s in the Malden Public Library and there are some used paperbacks available on Amazon.
I wondered who wrote that. I saw it reviewed somewhere years ago and read. Clearly josh and Nate recognized but always wanted to know who wrote it. Now I must read again. I remember names unfortunately not much else. I can see in my mind the houses on coburn st but not the people. Some time ago My cousin steve Crocker asked if I Knew don razinsky to which I said the name is familiar. Where do you live? Wife and I live in NJ.
I remember Steve Crocker very well. He lived on Almont Street, at the foot of Coburn. I have lived in Granby, CT for 32 years. My mother and father left Malden in 2000 and moved to Peabody, MA; my mother turned 100 last year and still lives in Peabody. She knew your mother.
Before I was born, my grandparents (the Weiners) and my mother lived at 14 Coburn Street in the house owned by Josh & Nate’s grandparents. When I was born in 1952, we moved to 18 Coburn. Nate & I were best friends. If you are having a hard time remembering, consider this–I was the littlest kid on the block.
Mishkan T’filah was, indeed, in a converted house. Top of the hill, on the left as you went up the street just as the street turned right. It was nice inside, and we had a social hall on the top floor.
The Borax family had a gas station and were top notch mechanics. George died on a New Year’s Eve. It was actually Paul’s older brother Jerry that had the corvette. Paul had a cool 2 dr Pontiac bonneville. Poor Betty never recovered from her husbands suffen passing. She died around 1964’ish. The Rabbi from the shul on Holyoke Street moved in that house . He was very nice and presided over my brother Eddie’s bris. Rabbi Miller from Tifereth Israel , our temple wouldn’t do it because he told my father it was pointless and that there’d be no “miracle” in reference to Eddie having Downs syndrome. That was the end of our membership in the temple ! My father was pissed.
I remember the Power’s son had one of the very first 64 1/2 Mustang convertibles. Canary yellow with black interior. I loved that car. Stew’s dad always had a Cadillac if I remember correctly.
I can’t count how many times mrs Goldberg called the police on is just for being kids and doing what kids do ….like climbing up on the roof of her garage, playing kickball and just trying to sneak up the back stairs of David’s house without her hearing us!
There was a family from NJ that moved into the 3 decker near me that only lived there for a short while because it was on the “ tear down” list. The Montefusco family. There were 3 boys and a girl. Dennis, Gary and Johnny who went on to become the “Count” of Montefusco as a major league pitcher for the Pirates. He was an all-star his rookie year. I’ll have to google him.
Great memories.
Nate–Rabbi Miller didn’t come to the Temple until the fall of 1965, after we were Bar Mitzvahed. Perhaps it was Rabbi Rivkin (tall, thin,dark hair, glasses, humorless) of whom you were thinking.
I remember Stewie’s father’s Cadillacs! I think one was a black 1957 with the huge fins, but I could be wrong about that.
Do you remember the time Mrs. Goldberg actually used foul language at us? I think she was suffering from dementia.
I remember Dennis, Gary & Johnny very well. Dennis was a year younger than us (and a little crazy); Gary was a year older and the most level-headed of the three brothers. Johnny was Josh’s age, I think. He pitched for the Giants and, later, the Yankees. After he left baseball, he went to prison for a couple of years for beating wife.
That’s correct! He debuted iwith the Giants in relief vs Dodgers. Pitched 9 inning, 7 SO’s. 1 earned run. Went on to get rookie of the year. Pitched for the Braves later on. Pitchec 12 years in the majors. I have a picture of him in my backyard sitting on the “ wall” where the garage once was in our bathing suits. Probably had the garden hose turned on since there sure wasn’t a pool back there! I always dreamt of having one there.
For some reason I know it wasn’t rabbi Rivkin. He bar mitzvahed Josh. He wasn’t there for mine on June of 1965. There was a fill in who’s name I can’t recall but I have his picture somewhere. Eddie was born Sept 2, 1966 but didn’t come from the hospital until mid September.
It must be the few years I have on you guys but your too much. One of my dad’s caddies was a black ‘58 I don’t remember a ‘56 corvette on the street. I remember my brothers friend who thought was Paul had a ‘52 mercury but it could have been someone else.
My dad’s favorite car was the 1956 DeSoto we had with the push-button transmission, power steering, windows & brakes. He loved that car. I remember Nate’s father’s Nash (he thought it was cool that the front bench seat reclined so it could be a bed), and your father’s Caddy with the two “Dagmar” bumpers in front and the giant tail fins. I vaguely recall that someone had a Studebaker (the one with the bullet nose), but I can’t remember who.
My father had a ‘47 Studie well before the cadillacs maybe you remember that far back
My earliest memories are when I was 3 years old. I remember our 1948 Buick Roadmaster (before we got the DeSoto). The Studebaker I recall was gray (I think).
I also remember that your favorite college football team was Penn State. I chose Michigan because its colors were the same as Malden High and the “M” was identical. I think Nate chose the NFL Rams for the same reason (but I may be wron about that–Nate, help out here). Anther sports memory: watching the last game of the 1960 World Series after school at Nate’s house and being stunned that the Yankees lost.
I remember the studie being green. I don’t remember having a favorite college team. My father became a ny giants fan after the redskins left Boston so naturally to be a ball buster during the ‘58 or ‘59 championship game I cheered for the colts. now that you mention it do remember Nate having a rams helmet.
There were a lot of NY Giants fans before the AFL arrived, because that was the team they broadcast on TV. I wanted a Rams helmet like Nate’s but my mother bought me a Browns helmet at Zayre’s because it was on sale. I hated it.
Bart came here for work. He came from a coal mining family. He worked at the chemical factory in Malden. Crystal?….he was a generous guy. I recall he loaded up his car with a bunch of us to go to revere beach when it just opened for the season. We went to one of the bars that served pizza……not realizing that it was Passover! I’ve been cursed ever since!…..lol Bart mysteriously up and took off one day and was never seen again. He had a mutt named Lucky. A mostly black and white mixed lab . Lucky didn’t like strangers, especially black males. He jumped the fence one day and bit a guy. The Malden PD came down and shot Lucky right in the backyard. So much for due process. I recall the sound of the single gunshot to this day!
Didn’t Bart help us build a go-cart? I vaguely remember using the wheels from an old baby carriage. I thought it was Bart who showed us how to use a bolt and washer setup with a two-by four and two hand ropes as the steering mechanism, and an accordion-lever to the rear wheels as a brake. I remember racing down the hill on Almont Street toward Franklin. Does this ring a bell?
I certainly do! He had his tools outside on his back porch. What a character.
We were very creative during those years. The last time I drove down Coburn st was in 2011 after Eddie passed away. I was coming from Goldman’s and took one last look.
My name is Rich Rotman. Lived on Linwood st. ftom 1946-1958. Across the street from the Malitskys. Their bakery was at corner of franklin and upham. I graduated in 65 and my brother Stephen in 63. Richie Clayman is my cousin. Spent most of my time playing ball at Ferryway Green. Was good friends with Harvey Goldman and Jeff Sandler and Stew Webber. Very close with Marc Malitskys who passed away. The thing I cherish most about growing up in Suffolk Sq. Was the working ethic of the people. Lots of unity between all the diverse groups.
Ok, my brother josh had the rams uniform and I had the browns. I think that’s all they had to choose from in Jordan marsh in Malden sq . They came boxed with helmet, shirt, pants and shoulder pads…..wear at your own risk of injury !….lol. My team was the NY Giants! Sam Huff, Y A Tittle Frank Gifford. Pat Summers etc. When the Pats began in the AFC they were a sandlot football team. Saw them play everywhere. Fenway park. BC, BU and finally Schafer stadium. Who knew there become a football dynasty? Other than RKK…lol
Paul’s older brother who had the vette actually lived north right over the border in Derry NH. He was on Coburn st pretty often visiting. I remember when josh first got his license he let him take me for a ride around Malden in it. It has a 2 speed automatic. Imagine that?
Across the street from me a Polish family lived there named Orluck. Sophie and Peter.. daughter was Marie. She met some guy from West Virginia , a real Appalachian back woods guy named Bart who tinkered with cars. He has a cool white with blue 2 dr crown Vic coupe. His buddy “chick” lived off of Bryant street somewhere and they bought a studebaker “ gold hawk” as a project car. It had a potent V-8. They worked on it in the yard on Coburn st for a long time. It was gold in color.
I remember when Peter passed away and the wake was in their parlor.! Yikes, I had nightmares for years!! I remember going to Goldman’s on ferry st after the movies on a hot summer day with Michael and Coburn st gang plus Mark Mintz, and going down stairs where the bodies were prepped. Grandpa Goldman “Alta” would be sound asleep with his prayer book in his lap snoring away. I remember Eddie Gersh hopping into a casket which was then closed. Freaked me right out and gave me a whole new perspective about death. Talk about writing a book!
lol I don’t remember any of that but I can see Eddie getting in a coffin. I remember Harvey taking me and Leon weisberg down stairs and he opened a pine box. Leon and I ran all the way up Newton st to Leon’s house in franklin st.
Din’t Leon live on Holyoke Street? Was his kid sister named Debbie?
Weisberg’s lived on franklin street. León, Debbie and Norma. Leon had a real cool 66-67 GTO. Light green. 4 speed. They lived across the street from Marc Grodberg. What about the Pernas? Anthony. Steve Jerry. Top of franklin at upham street
No Leon lived on franklin. In one of the three deckers diag opposite the top of Newton st
I must be thinking of Richard Weisberg and his sister Debbie. They lived on Holyoke Street. Richie was in the band, “The Beacon Street Union.” They cut several albums and actually opened for Janis Joplin once.
Dickie Weisberg was the drummer. They lived on the corner of franklin and Holyoke Street. Freddy Gelman lived in the same house. How about Bert Zimmerman down on Holyoke and Linwood and Alan Milkoff on Linwood. Across the street from Alan Averbach. He was off the rails. He used to booby trap his room door in case his father came in after him. He used to drive golf balls off the walls on his bedroom. He lived to the right of Bobby Titus.
Damn! That’s it! Bart used to work on the car in the yard–it was a side yard, I think. We used to watch them fixing up the car!
Another Coburn Street tidbit. There was a public pay telephone in the hallway of 12 Coburn Street where my grandparents lived. The first phone in the area well before my time! My mother was born in that house on the second floor. Got married and lived on the third floor which was like an extension of the second floor with a tiny kitchen. After I was born and the Katz’s moved out they moved into the first floor. It was odd that the same house had 2 postal addresses, 12 & 14.
The Toder’s we’re directkf across from us and the Gersh family lived on the second floor of the Sandler’s house diagonally to the right of our house. Their daughter Eunice married Arhhur Epstein who owned every Midas muffler shop in the northeast US. She passed away and he sold off his franchises and is a well know philanthropist today.
I don’t remember him having a sister. I knew his cousin who lived with her family on the third floor, Leon’s family on second floor and I want to say his grandmother lived on first floor. You guys are straining whatever powers of recollection I have left. His mother and his uncle had ‘59 Oldsmobile’s hers was white and his was light blue. She traded hers for a maroon ‘64 impala convertible. He had a Lambretta scooter in MHS. When I fractured my tibia he schlepped to school on the back of the scooter with my crutches flailing. He did get a gto later. His uncle was a Linotype operator for the Malden news and we sometimes got to hang out with him at lunch times. Sat on the sill of the window next to his machine. Marty Rubinstein in Newton st also bought a got but later on. It was a judge and we made fun of it. Wish I had it today. Used to run bikes up and down Nahant beach with Eliot Goldstein and yes I still have a bike. I don’t ride anymore so i will probably get off my butt and sell it this summer. Did you know David Weinberg? Lived on Henry street then moved to Winthrop? He was a whole different car guy. Built vw dragster motors in his bedroom.
I think David should write a sequel with all this rehashed info. Leo Weisberg was connected to Don Law the concert producer. I used to go to concerts with his youngest sister Norma. The Rubensteins went nortwest to Peabody. They had a Shell station and auto repair shop on Lowell st. One of them still operates an auto repair shop on Rt 1 south in Peabody.
What about the Michaelson’s from Hazelwood Street? Kenny and his older brother? Kenny could throw a baseball further than anyone I’ve ever seen.
Willie Barron moved onto Hazelwood Street but that was in the late 60’s early 70’s. His mother lived with him. He was off the wall too! He became a school teacher and painted for the Malden housing authority in the summer. So did I with Marc Grodberg who’s uncle dick Higgins was the foreman. We worked in the Linden housing projects. Amazing.
Larry Rubenstein still has the auto shop in Peabody–Rt. 1 Auto Repairs. He serviced my mother’s Buick until this past December, when he bought it from her (thus ensuring the safety of motorists and pedestrians alike!). He is a great guy. He told me he lived on Almont Street.
Yep, Larry! He writes a column in our local paper about auto diagnostic. A Q& A about malfunctions and how to or wether or not to repair. I brought a friends car to him several years ago to get an insiection done prior to selling it and he said it wasn’t worth repairing.
A lot of Jewish kids had great mechanical aptitude and they all didn’t become doctors…..or lawyers!!!….lololol
Speaking of which. Have you heard from Ricky Harold? Didn’t live in Suffolk sq but practically worked there at the drug store up on Salem Street and Faulkner. Faulkner pharmacy.!
Every once in a blue moon, I hear from Rick. He retired from his dentistry practice and lives in Hull now.
I saw Michael Frank 2 yrs ago in Florida. He’s managing Flakowitz deli in Boca Raton. He looks like he’s still a teen ager! His cousin Michael”Mickey” Green lives in Florida too and is the GM at Auto Nation Cadillac in West Palm beach. Didn’t get too see him but saw him last at his mothers shiva in 2016.
Life passes by quickly.
David Weinberg , now there’s another name from the past. He moved when he was young. He dated and married Marsh Weiner, Howies older sister. He had a reputation of tinkering with high performance cars. I recall he had a 340 Dodge Duster that he thought was a real speed demon. I pulled along side of him one time in my 69 Olds 442 that was modified for drag racing when I bought it used. I crawled under my car and opened the exhaust headers. He wet himself! I eventually converted it back to Street use and drove it for a couple of years and then bought a brand new 73 Corvette for my 21st birthday. It floated away down Hawthorne street in Winthrop during the blizzard of 78.
I’m still a car nut. Just can’t afford what I’d really like………
Hi Stew ~
I remember you from days gone by. I am Mark Robbins younger sister. I graduated
from MHS Class of 72. I was born and raised in Malden, got married in 1978, bought a house in the Forestdale section. We moved from Malden in 1992 and went to Lynnfield until 2017. Almost two years ago we built a home in Plymouth, MA, to be closer to our only child, our daughter, son-in-law and two grandchildren.
I was very close to Leon Weisberg and his family. His youngest sister, Norma and I were best friends. His middle sister Sandra, was like the sister I never had. We were also best friends with Karen Strasnick from Hazelwood Street. Her older sister Beverly is a good friend too!!
The Weisbergs lived on the first floor and Leon’smothers sister lived on the second floor. The sisters daughter and her family lived on the 3rd floor. Many fond memories were made at that house ❣️
Unfortunately Norma and I lost touched after she got married, but Karen Strasnick Williams and I have stayed in touch and we try our best to get together!! Forgot to mention that Marc Grodberg lived right across the street from Norma and that we still remain good friends.
I think we’ve given this site quite a workout! More stories written in the past 2 days than in the previous 4 years! For those of you still out there that read these comments feel free to jump right in! In the meantime have a happy Pesach everyone and Go Red Sox! First game tonight at 7:08 pm EST
My Malden relatives are Pomerantz and Finstein. My grandfather’s sister Esther was married to Harry Kaplan. She had a hairdressing business at her home on one of the side streets off Granville. When I was little we lived in a triple-decker on Mill Street, off Ferry. It was owned by our family friends, Barbara and Joe Young. Barbara’s maiden name was Chesno, and her parents lived on Playstead road. I have home movies of Rocky the barber cutting my baby brother’s hair. My grandparents lived on Lyme Street, in the single family next to the DAV. My brother was good friends with Louis Goldstein, whose house was on the corner of Daniels. I went to first grade at the Daniel’s Street school My teacher was Mrs. Wright. My granfather owned the United National Supermarket on North Shore Road in Revere.
Did you live on upper or lower mills street? Probably lower since you went to the Daniels. I knew loads of kids from mills street. The Krivelow family, upper near ferry street. The Elliott family, around the middle near Henry street, the Chernacks? It used to be great to travel around the neighborhoods by bike or on foot back in those days.
My dad grew up in Revere and he worked part time in your grandfathers store as well as on Revere beach prior to the war for Louis Fox and Victor and Bob Shaeb….Bob’s discount.
And a happy pesach to you !f you can ever get to the Seashore Trolley Museum in Kennebunkport ,Maine there is a Trackless Trolley That has a Suffolk Square Sign on it. It was one from the late 40s-50s. . Harvey
A few years back I found a copy 0f Mgm 45 of Speed Kills/South End Incident.. I know That later on John lincoln Wright started a group called the Sour Mash boys. . Anybody here have any thing to do with that group? He used to live in Somereville and did a concert in Fitchburg The star being Merle Haggard. John Reno . When he was to perform , they broke for a sponsor. . By that time 1975, Okie From Wiskokee Was in good fun. Speaking of Jews in auto mechanics, My Bill was chief mechanic in Tuscon AZ; Anybody remember Donald Avin He rode a motorcycle for years and operated a small repair shop in Somerville. The Vespa Bravo 49.9cc was a great way to get to Malden Lynn, Swampscott and Framingham, till it got stolen.. .
I did see that trackless trolley”Faulkner” Suffolk sq bus in Maine a few years ago and took a picture of it.
When I was 8 yrs old my mother was shlepping me into Boston to probably go shopping in filenes basement. I remember there was a small group of some well dressed men standing st the old hangar Everett station where the orange line ended. This man who appeared to be 7 feet tall rubbed my head, which had a “ wiffle” cut at the time and said it was for “ good luck”!
That man was US senator John F. Kennedy who was running for President and was out campaigning by greeting voters. He was accompanied by Torbert McDonald who was the congressman from the 7th district which included Malden. I’ll never forget that day or the day JFK was assassinated. It was also the day I got to sleep over at David’s brand new house on Gordon Street. He was the only person I knew that was going to live in a brand new home!
Hello Nate. He (JFK) was also in my mothers 1946 Maldonian. You may have seen it. Speaking of my mother, she was usually taken for Southern Italian. When in 1962, John f Volpe was campaigning for governor he was in front of Stop and Shop at the Fellsway Plaza he posed with. . My Mother, Me and my brother Bill.. As it turns out there is probably a 12 percent ancestry, (Spanish-Italian) possibly some English-German too, That’s history .When Kennedy was assasinated We actually had a full school day. It was announced as we were leaving.I remember BobTitus and those people well too In 1961 He had one if the First Cbs I ever saw. The bands were so clear then that you could Skip . across the country on 5 watts. My . It was a cheap hobby, My brother still runs (and repairs) a 2 meter Station. One of many Jewish Hams! . Is there a way you could post a picture of that bus. . There used to b e a tripple decker . to the left off Bob Titus.. It you ever Read the Book “I Lead 3 Lives) By Herb Philbrick. That was were he did his work for rhe FBI. On the 3rd floor. Take care. Harvey
Harvey, I’ll have to retrieve that pic from my old iPhone. I never uploaded to my iCloud storage. I’ll get to it because there are other pics with it that I need to retrieve. A lot happened in Malden for for sure. I remember when they were filming the “Boston Strangler” in the Forestdale cemetery and we ride our bikes over to see Tony Curtis. No social media back then!… lol. Word of mouth traveled quickly.
I was the president of my sophomore class . In my junior year we somehow connected with I can’t recall who but we got the Lovin’ Spoonful to do a live performance in the auditorium.
I led the effort to change the draconian “dress code “ in force under Headmaster F.Champlain Webster. Artie Boyle succeeded him and he was just a tremendous administrator, basketball coach and person.
Nate That is no problem. I was thinking that way too. Whenever. . I saw the movie The Boston Strangler when It played at Torrejon AB Spain. .2001 Also played in True Cinerama in Madrid, “Que Pasa Dave, etc. I heard that MHS went from 1958 to 1968 . . Artie Boyle seemed to be a good guy. Brendan Duffy and Fred RLaterogers too, He lived for a time at Lisbon St,. in my folks Building.. The lovin Spoonful Were a favorite. Did anyone record it in any way.?
Record it?….hahaha…..I don’t think portable tape recorders were invented then!.. lol as far as I know there are some pictures I saw on line and I think there’s some in the class of 69 Maldonian . Looking back it wasn’t a big deal. They were playing at the psychedelic supermarket or the ark in Boston and had an off night. MHS was a MoTown crowd. !
Nate– I think Donald Razinsky took those photographs of the Lovin’ Spoonful.
I bet he did! I remember Donald’s love of photography. He had a film processing lab in his upstairs attick. He developed film and had an enlarger with all the processing chemicals. He worked part time in Gramstorf’s photos supply on ferry street near the corner of eastern ave.
My Mistake. Class of 1968 Maldonian there’s a full page of pics. You can just google it.
The first station to get serius on Motown music Was radio station WILD 1090. The morning host Jimmie Early Bird Was the first to play Aretha Franklin Little Stevie Wonder. The Contours Do You Love Me Was heard at least6 weeks before itr was heard elswhere. He had been at that station since 1952. Speaking of poor sound quality. Upkeep oin the mikes was poor so the sound was usually overmodulated and it sounded like they were using sewing needles foto p;lay the records. They werestill using acetates (MetalBased plastic coated; 12 inch records for the the commerciials. . There were poverty stricken for obvios reasons. Did you ever hear on records any early Frank Zappa and the Mothers?
In 1970 on senior “skip day” a surprise guest came to MHS promoting sickle cell anemia awareness. It was Stevie Wonder. He played a few songs with just a small accompaniment of instruments. In Malden square locals kids would gather on corners to sing out the latest tunes by Otis Redding , Drifters etc. that’s where north shore accapella was formed led by Richard “Dickie” Willis from Upham street at the top of Grape street.
I remember the battle of the bands dances at the new Harvard Street schul funtion hall. Angelo Ciriello and the Kinsman……a copy of the Louie Louie Kingsman. One night after a dance I saw a person I knew get physically assaulted by a bully associated with the Suffolk sq “ fusco’s”. Marvin Tobin from the Linden st projects took a vicious beating for no apparent reason other than being Jewish I suppose. My first experience at seeing anti-semitism. Tobin was Marc Grodberg’s cousin. We helped getting him home that night. I forget the bully’s name at this time , he was a lot older than us but I swore I’d never let anyone ever get away with doing that. Over the years I dished out plenty of beatings of bully’s picking on Jewish kids. It was a driving force of why I played football and hit opponents as hard as I did. I sidelined many players over my 3 yrs at MHS.
Have you been to Israel Harvey? I went in 07 and 08 as a senior adviser with the Y2I Lappin foundation. I took 120 co-Ed kids ages 16-17 on educational trips for a month during the summer. We hooked up with another 80 Israeli teens over there and spent time traveling and exploring the whole State . The best experience of my life outside of getting married and having a son.
You guys should call one another and save time.
We do but don’t you think it’s nice to share these experiences from Suffolk square and Malden with others who might read these and find it amusing or perhaps fascinating? Isn’t this what the comment section is for?
I grew up on Linwood St. in the late 40’s and 1950’s with the Malitsky brothers, Pomerantz family and Gilman family. My cousin Richard Klayman wrote several books about the history of Malden. Best friends with Jeff Sandler, Stu Webber and Harvey Goldman. Summers were spent playing ball at the Ferryway Green. I was very friendly with Kevin Sullivan. Anyone know about his whereabouts?
Rich, I grew up next door to you on Belmont Street in the 60’s.
I remember you and your family so well. I believe my father purchased a fur coat from your dad. Living in New Jersey now. I believe you are in Canada. My brother Stephen is in Plymouth.
Lower Mills — 74. If you send me an email address I’ll send you a photo of the opening day of the grocery store. What was your Dad’s name?
Hi Rich, did you Al Milkoff or Steve Cashton. Both Linwood Street boys. I knew Jeff Sandler and I still see Harvey Goldman, usually at funerals but he used to live near me in Salem and now lives in Danvers with his newest wife Lene White. She’s younger. My older brother is Josh .
Alan lived across the street from us. We have the same birthday. I think he is 2 years younger. You may have known my older brother Stephen.
Hi Nate ~ It’s Susan Robbins Mauriello..I remain close friends with Leni White!! Leni lost her first husband at a very early age. She was single with her only son, until she connected with Harvey Goldman, after his failed 1st marriage. They are happily married and are snowbirds in Naples and Danvers. They are both doing really well.
Hi Susan, How are you doing? How did you ever end up commenting here? I found it by doing some research on Suffolk Sq where I grew up.
Nothing but memories. Of course I knew everybody you mentioned very well. I saw your brother thus last summer at Mark Lyon’s funeral. Of course I saw Harvey there as well as lots of Maldonians.
I very seldom ever go to Malden. All of my relatives from there are long gone and only a very few friends still live there. Not what it used to be for sure.
Hi to You, Nate!!
I was also doing some research about Suffolk Square, because my Dad’s family were from the area. I remember certain things about the Square, but would have loved to have been able to enjoy spending more time there!! I’m happy to know that you you’re in touch with so many people in our past. I make it a point to do the same. I see Michael Soep, fairly often, since he has a close relationship with my cousin Arthur Robbins and the fact that Michelle is first cousins to my cousin Meryl Kaplan, my cousin Ed Kaplan’s wife. Unfortunately, I don’t get to
see my brother often at all. Ever since our dad passed 3.5 years ago, he and his family moved forward with their lives and Margie’s family and
he became distant. I don’t have any relationship
with them. It obviously bothers me, or I wouldn’t have brought it up 😔 It is what it is. Thank G-d that I have such an extraordinary family. We are very close with our daughter, son-in-law (the son we never had) and our loving grandchildren, Matthew 6 and Caroline 4. My extended family and friends are amazing. I feel blessed.
I was a member of Temple Tifereth Israel, until they merged with Temple Beth Shalom. It wasn’t a good fit for us, so we traveled down to Hingham, where our daughter and family live and joined Congregation Sha’aray Shalom. Love it their. Reformed but with a slight lean towards Conservatism. I was called for an Aliyot this past Rosh Hashana. It was wonderful.
Otherwise, I sincerely hope that you and yours are doing well. Our old memories as friends, are special to me. Wishing you all the Best, with much love, happiness, good health and many blessings!!
Best, Susan
That’s too bad about your brother not having a relationship with you. I remember how protective he was of you growing up. I knew your brother before your family moved to Malden. I spent a lot of time on Plymouth Road and many hours in your backyard pool! Mark was the most spoiled kid I ever knew, having his own car in high school , a T-Bird to boot!
I usually just randomly bump into him including last 4th of a July up in Portsmouth NH. I know lots of people who ski at Loon Mt that know him as well.
My older brother Josh just passed away recently at age 70. I lost touch with him since October, 2011 when my younger brother Eddie passed away at age 45. We had disagreements over the funeral arrangements but I was here and had to deal with his last weeks of life. Josh was working in South Carolina. He moved about every other year all around the country.
I have very fond memories of your parents. Your mother was so hip and outgoing. We used to cruise around in her pea green Mustang coupe.
I see your cousin Eddie just about every Thursday at his favorite lunch spot in Revere. I hear from Michael Soep occasionally and had dinner with him and Arthur a few months ago. We had some great times together over the years and we’re lucky to be able to be around to talk about them!…..lol.
I think the last time I saw Frank was at Flagship motors quite a few years back. I actually worked there from 2003-2004 post retirement. I worked at Ira Porsche/ Audi after there up until 2008. I like German performance cars .
I’ve had a busy year with my son Matthew getting married last September then my mother in law turned 100 in November and we had a huge party for her at the Jack Satter house in Revere where she lives independently.
I’ve recommended David Katz’s fictional novel Sin of the Omission to many people on this thread to get a great historical perspective on Suffolk square and they’ve all enjoyed it. It’s available on amazon.
Great corresponding with you !
Hi Nate ~
First of all, I’m heartbroken to learn that Josh and Eddie have both passed away. Please accept our most heartfelt sympathy. May both of their names and memories be for a Blessing.
I believe that I only met Josh, once or twice, but I remember him so dearly. He adored you and you were so totally dedicated to him!! I clearly remember that Norma and I babysat him for a few hours one day. You, Marc Grodberg and my brother wanted to go someplace for a few hours, you, Marc and Mark were all over Marc’s house and Norma and I were at her house. You asked if we could watch your brother for a bit!! We obliged and had a blast!! You wanted to pay us, but we said no thank you, but then you took us somewhere to get ice cream, I think you took us to the Friendly’s across the street from
Pine Banks. I think that you got an Orange Sherbet freeze!! Does that seem right??
Thank you for your kind words about me and my brother. I’m sure that if I continued to make the motions, I would still have a relationship. However, I try to live a good and happy life. I don’t need to be around people, that don’t want me around. Nor do I associate with negative and toxic people anymore. I am truly blessed to have loving and caring family and friends in my life. Frank is second to none. He’s an amazing person and a true family man. An extraordinary father and Papa. We have been married for over 42 years and our relationship has never better 😊
I had to laugh when you said that my brother was spoiled!! He truly was, but I think that I was too!!
A lot of times Mark acted spoiled, but I don’t think I acted that way. My brother actually bought that T-Bird with most of his money!! He made good money at Hunt Drug and The Bell Shop, where he worked. Our dad, I believe, helped him with the insurance and registration. Once he got that car, he didn’t use the Green Mustang that often. I got to use it all the time!! Great memories with that car!! A year later, my parents bought me my own new 1971 Mustang Grande! It was a goldish with a medium brown vinyl roof. I used to let Mark use it all the time when he came home from College. He did watch over me, always. He was an amazing brother to me then. I remember going to Curry College several times with him to visit Michael Soep. Did you go there as well?? I think that I remember you being there for a few of the parties.
Yes, Frank worked for Flagship for quite sometime. He did really well there. He made a decision to leave the store and did nothing for close to two years. We traveled a lot and had a wonderful time enjoying each
Other. He has retired, but went to work as a Manager for an Infiniti store in Hanover. We’ll see how much longer he’ll let this last. He turned 67 a few weeks ago and I’m now 65!!!!!!! I do a fair amount of babysitting for our little ones and I also do some volunteer work. I’ve been able to meet a lot of terrific ladies in my new neighborhood and we get together often. I do a great job keeping myself busy and when Frank is not working, we spend our time together and with our family.
Rabbi Miller was definitely there when you said so. He Bar Mitzvah’d my brother and also me for my Bat Mitzvah, along with Cantor Sheldon Chandler, who also co-officiated at our daughters wedding back in October, 2009. He and his wife always remained very close to our family. I used to babysit their children years ago
I’m so terribly sorry that you and your family had such a difficult time during Eddie’s Bris. So sad and uncalled for. I don’t know if you remember Rabbi Leibshutz, but he was our Rabbi at the time I got married. He wouldn’t stop harassing me or my parents, for the longest time when I got engaged. He didn’t want me marrying out of my religion and truly thought he was going to get me to breakup with Frank!!?? It was horrible. I thought that my parents were going to quit their Temple membership. My dad’s family was one of the first family’s to go over to the new Temple. He never quit until later on in life and then I joined and he would come to worship with me. We never spoke to the Rabbi again. We got married at the non-denomination Chapel at Tufts University, because Frank’s sister was an Alumni there.
Cantor Chandler found us a Rabbi and the Priest from Frank’s parents parish assisted.
I remember how you and so many others were at our Pool often. It was always fun when my girlfriends came at the same time. My parents loved when we had our friends over!! My mom was a great lady. I was only 34 when she passed. My life forever changed 😞 She adored you!!! She actually was happy with all of our friends. You, Michael and Marc G. we’re always so nice to her, so was everyone else, but you guys held a special place in her heart.
My poor mom hardly ever got to drive her Mustang, because either Mark and I shared it together or one of us had it to ourselves.
Good times and Happy memories.
Congratulations on your sons recent marriage!!
Mazel Tov!! I adore his name, as it is the same name of our Grandson!!
Our daughter Lauren, married the son
we never had. He’s extraordinary and also an only child. We have become best friends of his parents and share everything together!!
I’m in touch with Michael Frank, through his brother Paul. They are all doing well, however, I think Michael is single now, but his sons live in Florida along with Paul and his family.
I’m happy to know that you see my cousin Ed. He’s a great guy. I’m very close with him and Meryl and Arthur and Linda. Jerry and I were inseparable, until his sudden death that I will never get over.
If you ever get down to the Plymouth area, please let us know. We are basically one Exit to the Sagamore Bridge in a new development called Redbrook, same Exit as Pine Hills. My cell phone number is 857-205-1111. My email is QnBeanie@aol.com
Does Andrea know my sister-in-law, Margie? Since they’re both from Winthrop? Just curious 🧐
Keep in touch!!
Best, Susan
P.S. I think I told you that I’m still very close to Karen Strasnick Williams. She and her husband
are both doing well and looking fabulous!!!!!
I’m going to see if I can track down David Katz’s book!! Please send him my best 😍
Rich–I grew up on Coburn Street, around the corner from your cousins Richard and Mel Klayman. Richard’s books inspired me to write my first novel, “Sin of Omission.”
Belmont Street was like living in the suburbs back then compared to Suffolk square!
I was talking about Eddie in my first paragraph. I only met Josh a few times.
Yah, I know what you meant. You have a Great memory!
There were so many cute Jewish girls during that era in Malden…..lol. It’s funny that most of them didn’t marry Jewish Malden boys!
Did you know that in 1974 there was a dance at a temple in Waban, a section of Newton, and that’s where your brother met Margie, I introduced Michael to Michele and Ricky Harold to Cheryl plus I met Andrea there! 3 out of 4 of us are still married! How’s that for coincidence?
I have a great video of Eddie from his time at project tri-Angle in Malden. He became a video camera operator for their TV show. I’ll send a link to you via email.
So happy that you knew what I meant 😊
You’re not the only one that has said that I
have a good memory!! I must take after my beloved dad. He had an amazing memory!!
I know that I always asked a lot of questions back in the day, but what really scares me is
that I can remember such ridiculous things, such as what someone was wearing at significant times. Pretty silly, huh?? Haha!!
I’m shocked that you’re telling me that Mark and Margie met at that dance in 1974!! I knew that Rick Harold and Cheryl met at a dance. I remember Mark telling me that you met a nice
girl. He never said anything about Margie to me. He had a steady girlfriend, Mary Kassay, that lived with her grandparents, while she went to college in Boston. She was from Pennsylvania.
She and I adored each other and were the best of friends. One weekend she went home to PA and Mark didn’t go with her. That’s the weekend that he told me that he and Margie met at the Winthrop Beach!!! I was madder than all hell, when I realized that he cheated on Mary with Margie!!!! He never told Mary for months about Margie, Mary’s heart completely broke. Everyone thought that he and Mary would marry. Mark dated Mary for 4 or 5 years!!
Mark wanted me to be close to Margie, G-d only knows that I tried.
Funny thing, Mark’s ex, Mary and I are still as close as we were. If I bring up her name or the fact that I got together with her, he would definitely and has gone over the edge with me. Not sure what his problem is,
because he broke up with her. I haven’t said her name in years, but talk to her and see her as often as possible. She ended up marrying an amazing guy!! They have a 33 year old daughter and a 28 year old son, who unfortunately is a low functioning young man with Autism. They devote their lives to there children. Frank and I started dating in April of 1971. We married in September of 1978. My brother and Margie got married exactly 3 months before us in June, 1978. None of us knew that they had known each other for so long. I actually thought that they only knew each other a little over a year. Doesn’t much matter now, but I’m surprised 😮
Cheryl Blumsack Harold and I are still very much in touch. She’s very happy and is very close with her children. It’s amazing how much of a matchmaker you were!!!
I was looking to purchase a copy of David Katz’s book. I found a pre-owned copy for sale on Amazon for approximately $500.00!! Does that sound correct?? A tad too much money for my pocket, I’ll keep searching ❣️
So much more to share, but not sure that I want to discuss some things in an open forum. When you send me Eddie’s video, I’d like to send you a few pictures of my family.
Time to say Goodnight!! Sending you all good blessings 😊
Hi, I sent you an email. Check to see if it went into your junk file. It’s from me at gmail !
Hi Nate!!
You’re absolutely right!! Your email went into my spam folder!!!
I am waiting in my doctors office to be seen for my annual physical, have to do a few errands after this, then I’ll be home and will respond to your email!! Thanks for letting me know 😊 I’ll be in touch soon!!
Susan, I am not from Malden but my mother’s families were – a generation before most of you write on this website. They were the Fines (originally Feingolds) and Fishers. Other related names were Churnick, Darr, Kuznitz and probably Weiner. I obtained a partial transcript of my grandmother’s trial (Pearl Fine Fisher Kuznitz) for making moonshine in 1929. A key player in the trial was one Israel Blumsack. I had tracked down one grandson, a rabbi in in Brooklyn, and a woman who had been married to a Blumsack, Cindy Blumsack of Lexington – oh, and also Susan Lazarus, another grandchild of Israel. Could you please ask Cheryl Blumsack to contact me at ncgelbard@gmail.com? Thank you.
I haven’t seen Richard and Melvin In a while. Great guys. Went to a bookstore to get your book but they didn’t have it. I’ll try amazon. Did you know Rodney Forbes
My parents were friendly with the Milkoffs as was I with Alan. They lived across the street from us. Alan and I shared the same birthdate. Different years. Not familiar with Steve Cashton. Spent most of my time with Marc Malitsky. His dad owned Malitsky’s bakery on corner of Franklin and Upham. You may have known his older brother Barry. Both great ball players.
I walked by that bakery for years on my way to the Lincoln school. I can smell the sweet scent of their breads to this day! Al Milkoff still lives in Malden in a condo building off of Broadway near corner of eastern ave. I live in Salem. MA and no longer have any relatives still living in Malden. The Cashton’s lived on the bottom part of Linwood near eastern ave. Steve graduated MHS in 67. He had an older brother who’s first name I can’t recall but I do remember his powder blue ford galaxy 500 convertible! Everyone loved that car!
How about the Zimmerman’s on Holyoke Street or the Averbachs?
I lived near the corner of Linwood and Upham so not familiar with people at the bottom half. My older brother was very friendly with Joel Beritz (spelling) who lived on Holyoke street. He was very religious as he lived near the synagogue on Holyoke street. He now lives in NY city and has a very prominent position within the jewish community. There was an Afro American family by the name of Davis on Franklin street. I was friendly with their son Jerome.
I remember Jerome Davis. I think he was in my brothers band along with jim anntonucci , Dave Robbins , Steve cashston and David bynoe another African American ..from the hood. He lived on Hazelwood street. Who lived on upham street with the huge back yard? Was it the Chernack family?
Did you know Elliott Goldstein from cross street?
I new of Elliott. I think he lived near Alan Shapiro. Wasn’t there a grocery store called Abes at the corner of Cross and Henry? Had a barrel of pickles by the front door. Would always take one. Abe would smile as I left. Did you know Ira Zigglebaum on Henry street? My brother and I would stop at his house every morning on the way to Lincoln school. Not sure who had the huge yard on Upham.
I knew who the Zigglebaums were.
Did you k is Ralph Hoyt from Upham Street or the Perna’s? Anthony became a Malden cop believe it or not and just passed away last week. They lived just to the left of Malitsky’s bakery. It was quite a neighborhood back then.
I went to kindergarten at the old JWV building on Upham street and then first grade at Lincoln when it opened up after the fire.
I lived at 23 Almont St. Steve Crocker lived right across from us and later on Ricky Rogers moved in next door on the right side, Larry Girsh lived on the other side and the Rabbi lived behind me, lol he was a very busy Rabbi. I have a lot of brothers 7 and some of us younger one would also woop ass on any bullys that came around, we also ruled Hebrew Mountain until the real war came around, I wounder how many kids that played war on that hill ended up in Vietnam. Paul Shaplee lived next to the hill he rode a trike (zigzag man) and the other tenant i forget his name but he drove a souped up Charger w/hemi and blacklights inside. It was a good neighborhood and i’m very proud to be from Suffolk Square. My earliest memories of Suffolf Square is of pitching pennys (before school 5th grade) up against the wall of the Jewish delicatessen that sold the BIG dill pickles the name alludes me ??? we took a lot of coins from the Newland St. boys lmao… Enjoy!!
David Katz…memories of Tifty?
Yes, indeed. 1967 – 1970. Morty Stone was our advisor.
Not sure if I belonged to Tifty. Lucky that I wasn’t kicked out of the temple Hebrew school program! The only reason I kept going was because I was in Ms Wolfson’s class!!
My maternal grandfather, Nathan Rodman, was a founding member of the Progressive CU. He was a a barber by trade and cut hair in the home that he bought on Coburn Street. He initially loaned his personal money to new immigrant arrivals until they got established.
There was even the first pay telephone in the neighborhood located in the entry hallway of their house! It was for all those without phones to use to be able to stay in contact with their families. Immigrants helping immigrants.
i remember shanlors and finns pharmacy —-does anyone remember the wexlers—beverly cohen finn—maxine mayers— the hickey family on suffolk st?????
My uncle Manuel Finn owned Finn’s drug store. His son Sonny also worked there in the pharmacy. A bit further down the street was a furrier named King whose daughter married my uncle Naty Velleman. After my Mother Sally passed away my Dad married again and my Stepmom’s brother-in-law owned Goldman’s grocery store. Does anyone remember an African-American named Moses Jones who opened a bicycle repair shop on I think Bryant St? I had him fix my bike for ten dollars without asking permission and my Dad was furious. We lived on Lyme Street with neighbors the Rossi’s, Sal Vetrano, the Savastanos, and the Ritters down the street next to the garage.
My grandparents, Reva and Dave Pomerantz were at 80 Lyme Street.
does anyone remember mr cronin, mr. fishman, principal and teacher lincoln jr high
I do. Vividly. There were two mr Fishmans
Ike and Sam, twins. Sam was the principle.
They were both standout football players at Dartmouth college.
Mr Cronin with his thick head of white hair. A real old school principal who retired before I graduated Lincoln Jr High in 67…..as the class president!
i remember one mr fishman always slapping a ruler on a desk—-always got our attention—someone mentioned ferryway green was now a school-sad
Yes, I remember Mr. Cronin and Sam Fishman. I went to Lincoln Junior High grades 8-9 (1958-1960). I think I remember a very good science teacher named Mr. Scanlon and I believe Mr. Abe Stein for French. And there was a Miss O’Neill who I always picture with a blue dress with white polka dots. On a recent visit I was shocked to see that Lincoln was a school and is now a park and that Ferryway Green was a park and is now a school! Was Miss Rubino the Algebra teacher or was she at Malden High? There’s a “Lincoln School” Facebook page.
Mr. Scanlon taught Biology; he moved to Malden High in 1966. I remember Mr. Stein very well. He lived on glenwood Street, belonged to Temple Tifereth Israel, and his son was in the Major Work Class a year ahead of me. Miss Rubino did, indeed, teach algebra. She married Mr. Cunningham, who taught science and whose homeroom was next to hers. She had a baby and left Lincoln in the spring of 1967 (the year I graduated LJHS).
I remember Mr. Cunningham very well – I thought he was an excellent Chemistry teacher. (My opinion of Miss Rubino was quite different, I’m afraid.) We had a jovial music teacher named Mrs. Baker who somehow put up with all us boys doing lip sinc instead of singing. LOL.
Biology teacher was Frank Scannell. It was another math teacher, Helen Spencer, who married Mr. Cunningham.
Science teacher was Frank Scannell
I really liked Mrs. Cunningham (Miss Rubino) a lot. Actually, she left in the spring of 1966 to have a baby (not 1967), now that I think of it. Her replacement was a jerk. I remember Mrs. Baker very well. She made music appreciation very interesting.
David…This is Rich Rotman. Trying to get your book Sins of Omission. Amazon doesn’t have it. Any ideas of how I can get it?
Rich–It has been out of print for several years, and I have only one editor’s copy left; otherwise I ‘d send you one. I have been told that there are some available on various used book sites apart from Amazon, and I know that both the Malden Public Library and the Peabody Library have copies. If you don’t have any luck there, let me know at dekatz@cox.net. I can try to send you a PDF of the manuscript. –David
I have an author’s signed copy but it’s not available to loan!…..sorry!
Hello Rich and everyone else who reads these post about the greatest neighborhood ever in the USA. David Katz’s book, “ Sins of the Omission” is now available again on Amazon along with his other 2 books. Search under David Katz. I’ll try to upload a link. His books are also available on e books. I hope everyone has been staying safe during these past 3 plus months
Nate Lincoff.
Hi Nate. This is Harvey Tabasky. I went to school with your brother Josh. We used to walk to Malden High down the tracks from Franklin Street to Holden Street so we could smoke on the way to school. So sorry to hear of your loss. I grew up on Bryant Street, used to hang out in Mike Levine’s house sometimes before Hebrew School. We moved to Linwood Street when I was 11. I used to get vanilla ice cream cones at Finn’s drug store for 5 cents. I remember “older” men going to the counter and having a glass of water with an Alka-Seltzer. I remember the Goldmans when they lived on Bryant Street, I used to play with Michael growing up. I always got candy and a bottle of Coke from the cooler at Phil’s Variety, sometimes a pickle from Mrs. Phil. We drank YD soda, shopped at Shapiro’s butcher shop, Azoff’s bakery, Malitsky’s, Lechner’s, etc. Lots of names from the past, Mel Klayman, Larry & Eddie Gersh. Alan Milkoff, Burt Zimmerman, Steve Cashton, Kenny Michelson. I went to school with all of them. For everyone who knew Alan Averback, he passed away recently. There were so many things then we don’t have now, variety stores, drug stores, butchers, bakeries, deli’s. Great to read all of the postings.
Hi Harvey!
A few corrections. It was Mr. Scannel, not Scanlon. Also, Mr. Cunningham married
Helene Spencer, a math teacher, not Mrs. Rubino. Rubino’s married name was Cerame.
Hi Susan!………..Long time!…………..J. Silverstein
Got it! Now I remember. Thanks.
Hi Joan ~
Wow, it sure has been a long time?? How have you been?? Are you still in Lynnfield? I never realized that you lived in Lynnfield, until about the time we were getting ready to move. We moved to Lynnfield from Malden in 1992 and moved to Plymouth, MA in 2018. We moved to the South Shore, because Lauren married an amazing young man, from Hingham, that she met when she worked at the State House. They ended up making Hingham their home shortly after there marriage in 2009. We commuted often to their home, which sometimes took us as long as two hours to get there. It was miserable. She’s our only child and had our grandchildren, a grandson born in 2012 and our granddaughter in 2014. We visited and babysat more often, once the children were born. I wouldn’t leave the North Shore, because I still had my Dad and he wouldn’t move anywhere. He was self-sufficient until he passed at the age of 92, in 2017. Shortly after his passing, we made the decision to build a home and move
to Plymouth. We love being so close to our family, but miss the North Shore terribly.
Other than that all is well. Hope things are going well for you. Stay well and many blessings.
I am at this site for the first time. I see a number of familiar names such as Rose Gualtieri from the same class of ’57; Rich, younger brother of Stephen Rotman, son of the late Sidney and Ida Rotman, Harvey Pomerantz, and the name of Allen Milkoff, a relative of whom I lost contact many moons ago, and a couple other acquaintances too. I have been living in Israel for the past 30 years, and probably the last time I was ever n Suffolk Square was after the devastation of the area under the guise of “urban renewal.” It’s nice to feel the zeal of living in the Suffolk/Judson square areas once again.
Dennis this is your former downstairs neighbor Rich Rotman. Can’t believe I’m hearing from you. Have many memories of you and of Barbara babysitting Stephen and I. I am now living in New Jersey since 1971. Met my wife while we were in college in Boston. Unfortunately she is from NJ and wanted to move back there. Stephen is married and lives in Plymouth Ma. We are both retired and are enjoying our grandchildren. I miss Boston and Suffolk Sq. quite a bit. I hope you and your family are all doing well during this Covid 19 situation.
Rich, Found this site by accident and have not seen any comments for several years so do not know if this note will reach you. If you can recall I was a friend of your brother, Stephen and i am sure I was at his wedding and then we lost touch. I certainly hope he is alive and kicking and this goes for you as well. As I recall after college you sold pharmaceuticals as I did for 30 Years and retired at age 55 then my wife and I moved to Coventry RI and Opened Trailside Marina on Johnsons Pond in Coventry. We still own it but closed it to the public several years ago. We have a nice apartment there which we rent out. Also we own a home in Palm Coast Florida which we rent out and will retire there in a few years My daughter lives in NJ and son also Lives in Palm Coast’
Enough about me hopefully you and Steve are alive and well and would like to hear from you or Steve. I know Steves good friend Neal Shain died. I remember seeing him at Jewish singles dances before I got married Be well.
Hank Rosenfield
This is Harvey Pomeranz (from 57 Linwood St): Much thanks to my childhood best friend Richard Gilman) that I am aware of this site. Thanks Rich!!!! I have enjoyed all to the comments about Malden from everyone. However I do not remember all of you. Dennis Gelpe, where in Israel do you live. My daughter (Cheryl Bogner) lives in Efrat. She made aliya about 18 years ago. I have been visiting annually for the past 17 years. I retired in November 1954, and moved to Florida in 1995; where I still live. I plan on visiting this site more frequently from now on.
My younger brother, Rich Rotman, told me about this website but I never really looked at it until Rich, sadly, passed away on March 12th. I have so many cherished memories of growing up in Malden with my brother – first on Linwood St and then on Belmont St. Those were fun days that I’ll always remember.
Hey Harvey; I’m Charlotte Pomerantz’s (Savage) daughter Deborah. Please get in touch!
Shalom Dennis! Just checking in to see if anyone’s been leaving comments. It’s been pretty much dormant during the last year of the pandemic. How were you related to Joel? We were in both high school and Hebrew school together. I vaguely knew you were related to Alan Milkoff. He’s still living in Malden by himself and is in poor health. In and out of the hospital and rehabs over the past 2 years. Kind of sad.
I spent 2 summers in Israel, 07 and 08, with a youth group from the north shore. I was the surrogate dad!
Great place to visit but I wouldn’t want to live there.
I live in Salem MA with my wife. I just became a papa last September ! A bouncing baby boy, Landon.
Hope you are well and staying safe!
I don’t think I saw Shers Delicatessen, National Creamery, Suvalskys fruit and vegetable,
Mogul’s Insurance co. 5 & 10 Droker’s auto repair.
Harvey, I’m Charlotte savage’s daughter; Dave Pomerantz was my grandfather. I’d live to chat.
I just discovered this and haven’t had time to plow through all the comments but noticed a lot of familiar names. I grew up at 30 Newton street, around the corner from Stew Cutler and Nate Lincoff. I remember Stew coming to my house to take pictures before my Bar Mitzvah. The Factors lived on the corner of Newton and Coburn and next to them was a triple decker that Mr. Fishman lived in at one time. I suspect that everything I would have mentioned has already been covered so I won’t add anything, at least until I read all of the comments..
I’m Susan (Mandel) Schiller. I lived in the West End until 1965. I’ve been scrolling through all these comments because I was trying to remember Rabbi Rivkin’s name from Tifereth Israel. I went to Lincoln Jr High as a member of the Major Works Class and remember lots of people and places from that time 1961-1964 and place. Thanks for a trip down memory lane!
I’m trying to get in touch with Amy K, if anybody know how (personal…)
I’m reaching out to see if anybody knows / can reach out to Amy
K, or family, for me? (Long-lost connection…)
Hi all. Mark Kaplan. Long time Malden resident and teacher of instrument music in Malden for 36 years. Went to school with a lot of you. I remember teaching Eddie Lincoff playing Josh’s trombone. He was so happy to play that instrument and March around the linden school auditorium’. One of my fondest moments. Hi to all that remember me. I married Susan Davis Lincoln school teacher and daughter of Minnie Suvalsky from the fruit store in Suffolk Square. Lived on Porter st, Ferry St and Bryant terrace apartments. Now in Swampscott.
Just discovered this site! Many of you were patients of my dentist father, Dr. Max O. Berman. BTW, the “O” was taken on by Max when he was graduating from Northwestern Dental School when and he wanted a middle initial on his diploma. It stands for “Open your mouth!” I grew up with my older sister, Rana, in an apartment on Ferry St. on the corner of Upham St. above the dental office. I graduated from Malden High in 1958, went on to Jackson College of Tufts University, and then a master’s degree from U of Cininnati Medical School in Biostatistics. Married a wonderful Rabbi, Stan Davids in 1963, so we celebrated our 60th wedding anniversary in August. We have 3 children and 8 grandchildren. The grandchildren are ages 13-24 at the moment of this writing. We live in Santa Monica, CA. Write to me at rsdavids@gmail.com if you remember me!